Presented By: LtCol McCann Overview 1 August 2018 Presented By: LtCol McCann POC: K. L. McCann (703) 604-4515 1
Agenda 1. The Hotline 2. Recognize and handle non-IG appropriate matters Investigations vs. Assistance, or how not to stumble into an investigation Why do either? Command vs. IG authorities CG vs. IG investigation Complex cases that mix IG and command; emerging allegations So you are going to conduct an IG investigation… Initiation Subjects Allegations Notifications 5. What do you need from me when…
Enabling Learning Objectives 1. With the aid of references, students will understand and explain the relationship between the CIG and his/her CG/Commander 2. With the aid of references, students will understand Records Retention Requirements for IG Records
BONUS: This slide is wrong on what 3 occasions? First Things First 11/12/2018 When you are aware of a complaint or request for assistance: OPEN A CASE IN CMS Even if it is a walk-in? YES Even if it is not an IG matter? YES When it belongs to another command? YES Even if the Complainant is irrational or won’t leave a complaint form? YES Even if they should have gone elsewhere? YES What about a note left on my windshield? YES Third Party, Anonymous, by carrier pigeon? YES BONUS: This slide is wrong on what 3 occasions?
First Things First CMS is in its death throes 11/12/2018 CMS is in its death throes Numerous references are made to CMS New application is coming soon to a computer near you All references to CMS will apply to whatever the new case repository and action process is called The New Checklist is coming, pending publication of the New IGMC Order and New Hotline Order You will NOT be inspected on this until it is published There will NOT be significant changes to WHAT is inspected If you have an inspection between now and the publication of the new checklist, I will inspect on both but grade off of the current checklist.
The cg/cig relationship 11/12/2018 The CIG is the eyes, ears, voice, and conscience of the CG/Commander An effective relationship must be based on mutual trust and confidence between the CG/Commander and CIG The CIG should have unimpeded access to the CG/Commander (This may be via a Deputy Commander or, if no Deputy, a Chief of Staff) The CIG must maintain independence CIG’s authority comes from the Directing Authority (the CG/Commander) CIG has no authority outside his/her Directing Authority’s domain CIGs do not develop or implement policy CIGs do not play in the JAGMAN world
Records Retention However… UPDATE: DoDI 7050.01 (dtd 17 Oct 17) 11/12/2018 UPDATE: DoDI 7050.01 (dtd 17 Oct 17) All cases (Assistance & Investigation) opened on or after 17 Oct 17: 2 years in local office, 8 more in government storage, then destroy However… SECNAV Notice 5210 (dtd 29 May 2018) Suspended use of SECNAV M-5210.1 for new, NARA appvd, disposition schedules (based on SSIC “buckets”) Assistance & Investigation: Assistance (5041.2c) – retain 3 years then destroy Apply DoD standard (10 yrs) Investigation – Historical Significance (5041.1a): PERMANENT (transfer to NHHC/WNRC 10 yrs after close) All others (5041.1b): Retain 10 yrs then destroy (Apply DoD standard)