Water pollution Athena and Ashley
Script Hi this is our project and we are doing water pollution. This thing works when you push the lever and rubbish comes out. Lets just say the lever is you. Every time there is more people there is more rubbish. Fun facts Approximately 40 percent of America's lake are too polluted for fishing, aquatic life and swimming.,.
Solutions Don’t litter Do not pour fat or any oil down the drains or sinks Do not dispose of household chemicals Do not flush pills, liquid or powder medication or drugs down the sink.
Questions What is water pollution ? Where does water pollution come from ? How do we detect water pollution ? How can we treat the earth and aquatic life ? How can we stop water pollution ?
Notes Water pollution is the most contaminated for water bodies, like lakes, rivers, oceans and groundwater this is a type of environmental shame Pollutants are directly or indirectly discharged in to water bodies without even adequate treatment to remove heavy compounds. One trillion untreated sewage, storm water, and waste are discharged into US waters annually.
Quiz https://create.kahoot.it/#user/f510ae33-f85e-4c0c-8e00- 0dca6083cf2e/kahoots/created
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