South and East Asia Study Guide
Himalayan Mountains The Himalayans Mountains: Nine of the world’s ten highest The Indius and Ganges river start in the Himalayan Mountains (Mountains are so high that moisture do not reach areas of Asia) .
Ganges River Need for more industries has caused more problems for the river. Factories dump waste and chemicals in the river.
Population and Pollution Growing population has made air pollution a growing problem in India: More People = More industries= More Cars ~~~~~~~~~~MORE POLLUTION~~~~~~~
Asian Brown Cloud Effects many of the nations of Asia Causes changes in monsoon- Monsoons are- (Seasonal winds that bring heavy rain and floods) Major factor impacting the weather and climate. Increase in respiratory problems
China’s Population 90% live in the Eastern part of China
Shintoism Practiced in Japan (Presences Kami or spirits in everything)
Buddhism Founded by Siddhartha Gautama Believes followers should follow the Eightfold Path The four Noble Truths guide behavior Believes followers should strive for Nirvana (Perfect Peace) Originated in India and follows the teachings of one man.
Hinduism Believes karma (What goes around, comes around) determines how a person will be reincarnated (Come back after death). Believes in many Gods and Goddesses Has no single founder, developed from Aryan and Ancient Indian culture. 80% of India’s population follows Hinduism. Polytheistic
Confucianism It is a system of ideas (not a religion) Practiced primarily in China