American Nuclear Society Robotics & Remote Systems Division (RRSD) Agenda Item #4.c American Nuclear Society Robotics & Remote Systems Division (RRSD) Presentation to the ANS Board of Directors Chris Eason, Chair New Orleans, LA June 15, 2016
Robotics and Remote Systems Division (RRSD) Mission The Mission of the Robotics and Remote Systems Division is to promote the development and application of robotic and remote systems for hazardous environments for the purpose of reducing hazardous exposure to individuals, reducing environmental hazards and reducing the cost of performing work.
Chair and Vice Chair beginning June 2016 will become two year terms RRSD Governance Officers Chair: William C. “Chris” Eason (Chair Ex-Officio: Mark Noakes) Vice-Chair: Mitch Pryor (Incoming Vice Chair: Leonel Lagos) Secretary: Richard Minichan (Incoming Secretary: Brian O’Neil) Treasurer: Leonel Lagos (Incoming Treasurer: Steven Shaw) Executive Committee (Leave Exec. Com. in June of year listed) 2016 2017 2018 2019 Stephen Canfield William Hamel Young Soo Park Kimberly Monti Matthew Cole Jessica Stiles Luke T. Reid Stephen Canfield Richard Minichan Daren Cato Brian O’Neil Ji Sup Yoon Steven Shaw Shikha Prasad BOD Liaison Kune Y. Suh Chair and Vice Chair beginning June 2016 will become two year terms
RRSD Governance Bylaws & Rules submitted in 2016 Tactical update May 2016 and Strategic Through 2021 RRSD supports ANS Strategic Plan goals/objectives Professional Development: Topical 2016, July with DES to be located in Pittsburgh, PA Ray Goertz: 2016 award to be presented at topical Student Support: Travel, Student Conference grant, Student support grants for Robotics leagues Sharing Information and Technology RRSD website Newsletter Engaging the Public through sponsorship of K-12 robotics teams: 2 awards totaling $1000.00 in 2016 Planning to coordinate with IEEE on topical in 2017 Communication: Website ( Newsletter: Most Recent is Winter/Spring 2016
Engaging Policy Makers International Workshop on the Use of Robotic Technologies at Nuclear Facilities Co-sponsors: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s Nuclear Energy Agency; U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST); U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Environmental Management; U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Science and Technology Directorate, Office of Standards; United Kingdom’s Atomic Energy Authority; Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission. The American Nuclear Society, ASTM International and IEEE Robotics and Automation Society collaborated with the Governmental Organizations to bring about a successful agenda
RRSD Membership 2016 anticipated after Topical
RRSD Membership
RRSD Student Support Fund Account 2734 Balance of Student Support fund end of 2015 $52,284.00 Spend limit $4,831
RRSD Ray Goertz Award Fund Account 2708 Balance of Ray Goertz Award Fund end of 2015 $65,078. $2500 will be awarded in July 2016
RRSD Summary Focus for Future Action Information for the BOD Continue to target student membership as area for growth Hold a successful Joint Topical topical in 2016 Continue our collaboration with DES Increase liaison activities with Gov’t agencies and other pertinent societies Information for the BOD DOE travel restrictions are mostly lifted which will allow more participation Becoming ANS fellow is still difficult to impossible for RRSD members
Thank you