Welcome to the IWA Technology Center iwacomputerclass.weebly.com
Computer Class 2017-18 Programming/Robotics Office 20106 Google Apps for Education/Google Classroom Keyboarding Typing Club and TTL4 Digital Etiquette, Internet Safety etc.. 3D 3D design projects Programming/Robotics Programming with intro to Python Scratch and integrating with Lego models Finch Creativity Pixie Sculptris Hardware Raspberry Pi
6 Pillars of Character Growth Mindset Mindfulness In Technology video
6 Pillars of Character Trustworthiness Respect Responsibility Fairness Caring Citizenship Video: https://youtu.be/fR84gnxr8Pg
https://youtu.be/awo8jUxIm0c kids explanation
Now let’s shut our eyes and let us be present in the moment and reflect on what the pictures and words in the video meant to you. Be aware of …. your breathing your thoughts
We are Responsible Food/Drink/Chewing gum
We are Respectful Respect the work of others and yourself-keep your hands to yourself. Listen attentively when others are speaking.
We are Proactive Save early and often where are you saving your files How to Save a File File + Save or Ctrl + S
We are Careful Technology Equipment
We are Helpful Leave your station as you found it *Neat and clean *Put the headphones back on the hook on the side of the computer *Push in your chair
We are Safe Safety Drills: act calmly and quietly during this drill Acceptable Use Policy(AUP) Read, learn and follow
Student Reflection 7-B *Take 5-10 minutes and use the paper provided to reflect on the movie just watched. Type up the information in Microsoft Word and save to the W drive 1. List 5 most important pieces of information to remember from the movie. 2. How does my use of digital technology affect others? 3. How can my digital use adversely(negatively) affect others? 4. How can my digital use positively affect others?
Student Reflection 5th Grade Student Reflection 5th Grade *Take 5-10 minutes and use the paper provided to reflect on the movie on Netiquette just watched. Type up the answers to the questions below in Microsoft Word and save to the W drive 1. What are ways I can use online technology responsibly? 2. How does my use of digital technology affect others? 3. How can my digital use adversely(negatively) affect others? 4. How can my digital use positively affect others?
Student Rights with re: to their Catholic Identity And Technology 1. THE RIGHT TO A SAFE ENVIRONMENT that promotes care, protection and security. 2. THE RIGHT TO BE RESPECTED AS INDIVIDUALS with human dignity. 3. THE RIGHT TO WORK ACTIVELY TOWARD THEIR OWN EMPOWERMENT through the development of their gifts and talents. 4. THE RIGHT TO A LEARNING ENVIRONMENT THAT VALUES COOPERATION and challenges its members to critical and reflective thinking in their search for truth. 5. THE RIGHT TO DEVELOP POSITIVE, RESPONSIBLE AND CARING ATTITUDES AND BEHAVIORS TOWARD OTHERS and to recognize the rights of others to be safe and free from harassment and abuse. 6. THE RIGHT TO LEARN THE SKILL OF SELF PROTECTION by identifying safe and unsafe situations. 7. THE RIGHT TO LEARN RESPONSIBILITY for themselves and their actions. 8. THE RIGHT TO MAKE RESPONSIBLE DECISIONS founded on religious conviction.