Academic Integrity Committee (AIC) Summary Report 2017-2018 6 Meetings September 25 Jan 24 Nov 1 Feb 28 Nov 29 April 11 AIC Members-Thank you! Kristin Nichols-Lopez Phyllis Kotey Peter Polak Jessica Rodriguez Carleen Vincent Robertson Ashley Medero Tom Breslin Steven Ellis Janie Valdes Ming Fang Valerie George, Chair Patricia McDermott-Wells *Yeni Simon Mengana Special Thanks William Marquez Isis Carbajal De Garcia Jessica Rodriquez 6/11/2018
8 P’s Policies Procedures Promotion 8 Policies-Expungement of Informal resolution form upon graduation Procedures-IMAGE NOW Informals processed online (Dec 2017) Promotion & Information 2nd Annual Academic Integrity Awareness Day Oct 18, 2017 “Take the Pledge” on line Template for the syllabus-standard language Information on arbitrary and capricious grading –Dr. McEwen Hearing Preparation and FAQ-Phyllis Kotey The Creativators –Margo Berman’s class Cram Jam-spring 2018 Student Civility Tabling Oct 2017 Trail of the Torch Tabling Oct 2017 Website ( –letter about chat rooms 6/11/2018
8 P’s Programs Pedagogy & Prevention Provisions AI Module online for transfer, new students & faculty (Epigeum) Pedagogy & Prevention CAT Workshops &Reading Groups Motivation for learning–Identify Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Ethical Decision Making Content in Courses Provision- Budget Educational Programs Visuals-Bus Stop Image Communications-Speakers Floor Stamp messages Tabling events-Student Incentives Flag-Academic Integrity Physical representations of FIU values 6/11/2018
Recommendation: Academic Integrity under Student Conduct Rationale: 8 P’s -Planning Recommendation: Academic Integrity under Student Conduct Rationale: Standardization of experience & sanctions System for recruitment of faculty and students for hearing boards-greater student involvement Faculty do not have the role of policing academic misconduct- Rather than Academic Misconduct being something done against the faculty, it is against the university Reduce faculty time for processing misconduct Opportunity for stronger collaboration and support among other units at FIU Opportunity for greater promotion of ethical decision making and academic integrity Possibility of greater of esteem of students for academic integrity as an issue of student conduct. 6/11/2018
Panther Pride is Truth, Respect, Responsibility, Freedom & Excellence June 6, 2017