Preparing New Principals Program Leadership Development Department Director - Dr. Laurie Riopelle
Our Mission Leadership Development supports aspiring leaders as well as current administrators by providing relevant and personalized professional development with a focus on instructional leadership. Our goal is to help each individual grow and develop his or her own potential while improving academic achievement for all students.
What is PNP? The Preparing New Principals Program is a comprehensive two-year leadership preparation program designed for extremely motivated and highly effective assistant principals who are aspiring to become principals. It is based on the Florida Principal Leadership Standards and capitalizes on our Strategic Plan. It is designed to provide future principals with rigorous and relevant instructional leadership experiences.
Application and Acceptance Process
Phase 1 The Application Process
Application Requirements Each candidate will complete an online application and upload the following documents: Resume Letter of Intent Copy of valid Florida Educator Certificate reflecting Educational Leadership Last 3 years of final evaluations showing either an effective or highly effective rating
Application Requirements Continued Access to the online application will be shared with you once your principal and Regional/Instruction superintendent sign off on their recommendation. The application due date is June 30, 2018. All documents must be uploaded into the Google Form by this day. Candidates that have incomplete applications and/or missing documents will NOT be considered for the program.
Resume Experiential resume showing leadership activities beyond the classroom aligned to the Florida Principal Leadership Standards: Experience demonstrating direct impact on student achievement/adult learning Current work/initiatives that you lead Leadership activities over and above normal duties/ leadership impact beyond your classroom
Letter of Intent The letter of intent should include the following: Who? Brief overview of who you are and your leadership attributes Why? Explanation of why you want to be a school based leader How? Description of how you will use the knowledge and skills obtained in the program to help increase student achievement and systems within your schools Format: Write the letter of intent to Dr. Riopelle 1 page, 12 font, Double space, Times New Roman
Florida Certification Copy of valid Florida Educator Certificate reflecting Educational Leadership
Final Evaluations As part of the application process, you will need to upload your final evaluations from the following years: 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 Those who successfully enter the program will submit their 2017-2018 final evaluation once these are released. All evaluations must be rated as highly effective or effective to remain in the program. You will be added to the Google Classroom once you’ve met the program.
Phase 2 The Face-to-Face Portion
Face-to-Face Portion Once the application and documents are submitted by June 30th, candidates will move onto Phase 2 of the application process. Phase 2 will consist of two parts: Timed writing Targeted Selection Interview (STAR format) Candidates will be notified of the dates for this phase once the application process is completed. Participants will be able to select dates either in July or August.
Program Components The Preparing New Principals program will provide participants with opportunities to learn in a variety of ways: face-to-face sessions online learning simulated learning experiences small group collaboration independent work Save the Date: Our first PNP session is Tuesday, September 11th
Leadership Development Specialist Thank you! Contact Information Julie Walker Leadership Development Specialist 561-649-6824 PX - 46824