Panel 2: Breaking the social and spatial isolation of people with a migrant background: EU/Brussels initiative 23 NOVEMBRE 2015
Brussels-Capital: elements of context Population: 1.19 Million Area: 161.38 km² Seat of federal institutions Transit point for migrants Brussels-Capital Region Government: Managing Authority of the ERDF Operationnal Programme for Brussels-Capital Region (95 Millions EUR ERDF)
ERDF/migrants issue: invitation for proposals Oct. 2015: Letter from the Commissionner Corina Crețu Answer from the Brussels-Capital Minister- President Rudi Vervoort to reallocate a part of the ERDF amount (+nat. counterpart) to a new migrants project Feb. 2016: Invitation from COM to the MA to modify the ERDF OP to support such a project (new budget, Spec. Obj., described actions, indicators…) May 2016: New OP adopted by the Monitoring Committee Dec. 2016: Official selection of the Healthcare access project coordinated by Médecins du Monde
Access to healthcare Around 5-10% in Brussels CPAS OCMW Undocumented migrant Refugee Fedasil European CPAS+insurance « Visa » nothing No health insurance prisoner SPF-POD Justice Access to Healthcare is blocked by one or more barriers
The Healthcare access project Budget: 7,440,000 EUR Supporting operating costs and investment costs through: A: Outreach team to orient patients to primary healthcare centres (medical, psychological, social assistance) B: creation of 2 integrated Social-Health centers (1 multi-certified and 1 De novo)
The Healthcare access project
Part A: Outreach team – access to healthcare In theory: the migrants have the right to “urgent medical help” In reality: this outreach team is often their only mean of access to health care
Part A: Outreach team – access to healthcare The team is composed of local GP, psychologist, social worker and street worker. The grant allows the team to works for free and to deliver medication. Beyond, they collect useful information to identify specific health problems and to improve the quality of answer for this specific audience.
Part A: Outreach team – access to healthcare
Difficulties and challenges Destination: England…, transit in Belgium! Trust issues Migrants in survival mode (health not a priority): wait until emergency Unaccompanied children: How to convince them to seek legal assistance to reach their goals? Police control, more repression of irregular migration anxiety-provoking climate
Part B: Creation of 2 Integrated Social-Health Centers Objective: to reinforce Primary Healthcare system in Brussels, with 2 new centers in the 2 neighborhoods. The center will clearly welcome the migrants (whatever their administrative status) but will be open to everyone CSSI Multi agreement “Brunfaut” (Molenbeek): Temporary “Maison médicale” (2017) Relocation in a new center (2019) CSSI De Novo “Goujons” (Anderlecht): Opening (2020)
A project realized in consultation In amount (definition, strategy, ERDF OP) between Regional and European authorities With partners and field operators (from health sector) With the local authorities (authorisations, coherent project development …) and regional development partners.
From the European point of vieuw Good opportunity to allocate EU money at regional/local level to answer to an important challenge Particular follow-up about the project development (and results)
From the regional point of view Opportunity of a constructive dialogue with an NGO about a territorial challenge Opportunity to stimulate synergies beween the healthcare sectors (despite their classical differences in terms of profiles, needs or interrest) Operational collaboration/support to th real estate develoment (with consultation of local authorities and inhabitants, for a broader project)
From the local/municipal point of view Opportunity to integrate et develop sociomedical services (healthcare offer) Information from authorities to the NGO Consultation inhabitants/NGP/municipality
Thanks for your attention Quentin Richard First Officer/Deputy director ERDF Unit