Portfolio Day Reminders Bridgman High School 2015
Appropriate Dress Gentlemen Collared, pressed shirt, and tie Dark slacks or business suit Dress shoes and dark socks Clean shaven/Trimmed facial hair Hair well-groomed
Appropriate Dress Ladies Skirts – No more than 2 inch above the knee. You should be able to sit with your legs crossed. Dress slacks (no capris) Skirt=pantyhose or tights. No bare legs Blouse/tops – No cleavage Shoes – flats or modest heels. No flip flops
Materials for Interview 2 copies of your resume, cover letter, letters of recommendation and references. (One for you, one for interviewer) Materials should be in a folder or binder Order of materials - cover letter, resume, references, letters of recommendation.
Cover Letter Tip For your cover letter, include the address and contact info for an actual business. Google your “dream job” and include the following: HR Director (you are not required to use an actual name) Company Street Address City, State Zip Phone number Email address (Ex: wsmith@companyname.com)
The Art of Conversation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTKgyZZP5KQ
The Interview Firm handshake Warm greeting – Introduce yourself Smile, make eye-contact Sit up straight Don’t fidget, crack your knuckles, or chew gum! When you sit down at the table, hand them a copy of your materials and have your copy out so you can follow along.
RELAX! Review the interview questions Take it seriously, but don’t stress out Be confident in your responses. Don’t be afraid to take a minute to think before responding. Ask questions of your interviewer Smile and say “Thank you”