Newsela- Tips for Success!!! Newsela Directions and Rubric Read Passage within current Lexile Range. Answer four comprehension questions. (5 points each) Complete 5 Meaningful Annotations. (10 Points each) Complete the “Write” Response. Newsela Grading Rubric Multiple Choice Questions /20 Annotations /50 Write Response /30 ******************************** Grade /100
Read the passage type that is closest to your Lexile. If you choose a Lexile range that is too low, then you will not be exercising the muscles in that beautiful brain!! If you choose a Lexile that is too high, you are giving yourself brain burnout!!!
Meaningful Annotations When you highlight text in the article, you will have the choice of 4 highlighter colors. What types of information should you choose to annotate. The authors claim The central idea Supporting evidence Your opinion- do you agree or disagree with the author’s text Challenging vocabulary- highlight and define using an online dictionary. Questions about the text What is the purpose of this text…informational, opinion/argument piece? **You are to make 5 meaningful annotations in each Newsela article**
The “Write” Activity Prompt- Write a short paragraph that explains the central idea of the article. Use at least two details from the article to support your response. en-us/articles/203935965-Write- Toolkit-
Sample Responses Please proofread your “Write” response prior to submitting for grading! Let’s take a closer look…
Score Value 1
Score Value 2
Score Value 3
Newsela and College and Career Readiness “Watch out world because here I come!” Standard Strand: Key Ideas and Details: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.R.1 I can read text closely to determine what the text says explicitly (right there) and to make logical inferences (educated guess) from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text.