Year 9 Subject Selection – C02 Powered Dragsters
Course Description This elective unit develops a student's ability to create a design, prepare a plan and produce a working carbon dioxide powered vehicle. The design specifications must be met to enable their vehicles to compete interstate. The small rocket-powered car travels along a 20-metre course against another car whilst being timed. The student must complete a work booklet, including a production log and an assignment relating to dragster car design.
What we Study? Design Brief & Specifications Design Process Aerodynamic design Forces of motion Speed, Time & Distance
Subject pathway…. Year 9 Bright Sparks Year 9 Human Powered Vehicle Year 10 Aeronautical Engineering Year 10 Systems and Robotics VCE Systems Engineering Aspects of designing, planning, fabricating, testing and evaluating in a project management process, prepares students for careers in engineering, manufacturing and design through either a university or TAFE vocational study pathway, employment, apprenticeships and traineeships
Extra activities/costs? Nil
More information…. Contact Mr Dean Hamer 03 5152 9988