These chips are operates at 50MHz clock frequency. MAX EPLDS Multiple Array Matrix family of EPLDS was introduced by Altera in 1988. This family consists of 6 chips with gate capacities ranges from 600 to 1200. These chips are operates at 50MHz clock frequency. Its architecture is based on Logic Array Block (LAB). A LAB consists macrocell, expander product term array Programmable Interconnect Array (PIA) and I/O block. PIA interconnects all the LABs.
MAX Macrocell
A macrocell consists an array of product terms, and a flip flop. MAX EPLDS A macrocell consists an array of product terms, and a flip flop. The flip flop can be programmed as D, T, JK or SR. The output of a macrocell is bypassed for combinational functions or passed through latch. It has a asynchronous preset and clear inputs. The flip flop is clocked independently or triggered synchronously with other flip flops. An expander product term array consists a group of uncommitted product terms.
An expander product term may feed all the macrocells in LAB. MAX EPLDS An expander product term may feed all the macrocells in LAB. Thus a product term can be shared by other expander product terms.
MAX EPLDS An I/O block consists tri-state buffer and is controlled by a product term of a macrocell. By disabling the buffer, the macrocell flip flop and I/O pin can be used independently.
MAX EPLDS Altera offers a Programmable Logic Development System software package for implementing designs using MAX EPLDs. It includes design entry, processing, timing simulation, and device programming.