Review Read the comments I have written in your book. Complete your next steps in PURPLE PEN. Correct any Spelling and Grammar mistakes in PURPLE PEN.
Can you explain why/how? How many ducks will pass the red dashed line in both cases in one second? Can you explain why/how? Speed = 5m/s 1m Speed = 1m/s
You may draw a diagram to help with your answer. Lesson link The diagram shows water waves approaching a boundary between deep water and shallow water. The arrow shows the direction of travel of the water waves. The wave speed in the shallow water is less than the wave speed in the deep water. The frequency of the waves in the shallow water is the same as their frequency in the deep water. Explain what happens to the direction and the wavelength of these waves when they pass from the deep water into the shallow water. You may draw a diagram to help with your answer.
Engage When a wave reaches a boundary (interface) between materials it can be: refracted, reflected, transmitted, absorbed. Which of these are happening in this scene and where?
Learning Objectives By the end of this lesson you will be able to… …recall what happens when waves are reflected or refracted. …describe what happens when waves are transmitted or absorbed. …explain how changes in velocity, frequency and wavelength are related.
Waves Crossing Boundaries Draw a line under last lesson’s work and write today’s title in your book... 12/11/2018 c/w Waves Crossing Boundaries
How can you tell that the prism is transmitting and refracting light? Explore Light from a light bulb or the Sun is called white light and is made up of a mixture of different frequencies of light. How can you tell that the prism is transmitting and refracting light? How does the photo show that different frequencies are refracted different amounts?
Explain Suggest how well the material of the walls reflects and absorbs sound waves. Explain your answer. This is an anechoic chamber. What do you think anechoic means?
Compare and contrast reflection and refraction at a boundary Explain Acoustic mirrors Exam style question: Compare and contrast reflection and refraction at a boundary
Extend How the cochlea works Human ears can detect sounds from 20Hz to 20000 Hz. What does this statement mean?
Bone conduction headphones Extend Bone conduction headphones
Evaluate Learning Journal In the back of your book complete your reflection on your learning today. Learning Journal 12/11/2018