Harlan, Kentucky Elizabeth Gongora
Harlan Kentucky The chapter was based in the Appalachian mountains in Kentucky It was a small town named Harlan Harlan County was founded in 1819 The county was not wealthy and was thinly populated It had lots of flowers/trees It also had lots of animals
Harlan Kentucky (cont.) First settlers kept live stock on the side of the mountain Made whiskey in their backyards daily
The Howard's and Turner's did not get along Family Feud The Howard's and Turner's did not get along Each family believed they where more worthy then the other
Family Feud (cont.) When one family fights with another, it’s a feud. When lots of families fight with one another in identical little towns up and down the same mountain range, it’s a pattern.
Similar fights happing up and down the Appalachian mountains Family Feud (cont.) Similar fights happing up and down the Appalachian mountains Ancestor's where high in honor/power Families ancestor's where Scotish-Irish decent
"Die like a man, like your brother did!” ~Mrs.Turner Family Feud (Cont.) "Die like a man, like your brother did!” ~Mrs.Turner
Culture of Honor Honor helps to explain why the pattern of criminality in the American South has always been so distinctive. Only in a culture of honor would it have occurred to the irascible gentleman that shooting someone was appropriate response to a personal insult. And only in a culture of honor would it have occurred to a jury that murder –under any circumstances-was not a crime. Honor is important because people feel the need to not only protect themselves but also their family and land. The fact that you grew up in Harlan does not effect how you are brought in to this “Family Feud” but where your great-great-grandparents or even your great-great-great-grandparents grew up.
Why is this chapter significant and how does it relate to success? This chapters significant because it shows how families can come together and create a community. It also shows how you have to fight to defend yourself and your land.
My opinion I believe that the idea of our ancestors and where we come from does have an impact on how we behave.