The writing process
prewriting Brainstorm What do I want to say about this topic? What is the purpose of this writing? Who is my audience? Make a jot list, web or outline Plan out each paragraph Create a hook and thesis
Drafting Focus on getting thoughts down on paper Do not worry about spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc. right now. Be sure to express your ideas clearly Act like the reader doesn’t know anything about your topic
revise C=cut—delete some unwanted details R=rewrite—make ideas clear & easy to understand, use better vocab A=add examples, explanations M=move ideas around
revise Make sure each paragraph is related to the topic Add more details & description Look for logical order of events Delete ideas that are not on topic Change words to better vocab
editing C=capitalization U=grammar usage P=punctuation S=spelling
editing Correct spelling, grammar, punctuation & capitalization errors Use a dictionary, spell check, grammar book, etc. Make sure all sentences are complete.
Evaluating Reread the finished writing Make any final, last minute corrections Be sure writing is the best that it can be
Publishing Type paper into MS Word Use 12 point font Post to and Copy & paste score at the bottom of your paper in MS Word Save