Hello! Mt. Bethel Elementary We are here because we love organization! Carolyn Griffin Julia Varnedoe Mt. Bethel Elementary We are here because we love organization!
5 big ideas to save time, organize your work, and improve accuracy TESTING TIPS & TRICKS 5 big ideas to save time, organize your work, and improve accuracy
Organization is what you do before you do something, so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up. -A. A. Milne
MANAGE YOUR WORKFLOW Manage work with Kanban Flow List all jobs that need to be done Play to strengths
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2. PREPARE TO TEST Martha Stewart Crafts Screw Punch Blue Signature Stamps Date Stamp Parent Copy Stamp Envelope Moistener Fingertip Moistener Sample envelopes for grade level mailings Metered postage stamps Shipping Labels Avery 8464 File Labels File Folders - manilla & colored Testing Bins & Pencils
3. MAKE TESTING BINDERS One binder per assessment type Store in crate - easy to place on cart for testing
Mail Merge Your Testing Labels Make Life During Testing a Bit Easier!
Step 1 - Create an Excel Spreadsheet Enter all needed information for labels into an Excel spreadsheet, with a heading in the top field of each column (Do not use slashes...Excel automatically turns information paired with slashes into birthdates.) Adding a “y,” “m” or “d” beside the month, day and year of a child’s age is helpful once the Information is printed on the labels. m
Step 2 - Download Testing Label Template Open (and have handy on your desktop) the testing label that you want to create & merge (click on the labels below to access the link to download) CogAT NNAT IOWA ⅚ IOWA 7
Step 3 - Get started in a Word Document Open a blank Word document & click: Mailings Start Mail Merge
Click “Labels” Enter the Avery # (we use Avery Shipping Labels, #8464)
Step 4 - Set up the label template You will then see a template for six labels (per page) on your screen...
Click the top, left corner of the label that you have saved (the first word document that you opened), and copy that entire image Paste the image into each of the six portions of the template
Step 5 - Merge YOUR students’ information now... Select “Recipients” “Use an existing list” Find the excel spreadsheet that you saved & open it
Step 6 - Personalizing Each Label Put your cursor where you want your first merge field to be entered “First” & click Insert Merge Field. Click the space bar once, then Insert Merge Field again and choose “Last” Put the cursor under the Homeroom & Insert Merge Field, choosing “HR Tchr” Finally, put the cursor under the age (super important for our ability tests)... Yr Mo and D
Step 7 - Update Labels to make sure you like how it is laid out and how it looks... you can make changes and add spaces at this time, if necessary
Step 7 - Preview Results This is when everything falls into place! clicking “Preview results” will prompt all of the information on the Excel spreadsheet to populate into the appropriate field.
Step 8 - Print To print...finish & merge, then Print Documents (don’t forget to put the labels into your printer before printing).
End Product You end up with labels that can easily be used on the wide array of standardized tests given throughout a testing window. The steps used in scoring and norming are conveniently outlined on each label to provide guidance.
5. Grading & Norming Color Coded grading Check in different color Check/OK or circle errors on each page
5. Grading & Norming Use screwpunch to make scoring mask Make cheatsheet for each assessment: raw score calculator, rounding rules, etc. Create master sheet with standard testing dates for each grade level for GF4’s & GF5’s
THANKS! Any questions? You can find us at: