[Andrew Damon] [Mission Ops] Preliminary Trans-Lunar Injection Analysis January 22, 2009 [Andrew Damon] [Mission Ops]
Assumptions for Initial Transfer Two Body Problem: allows use of conics Launch from Kennedy Space Center: inclination of 28.5˚ Hohmann Transfer to moon w/ Lunar capture Coplanar earth and lunar parking orbits - Possible but rare, would limit launch window - Plane change likely before transfer Circular lunar orbit about earth - Slightly eccentric in reality: e ≈ .0549 Method of patched conics - Good approximation for outbound ΔV calculations [Drew Damon] [Mission Ops]
Hohmann Transfer ΔV Calculations First burn: ΔV1 = 3.13 km/s Second burn (Lunar Capture): ΔV2 = 0.82 km/s ΔVtot = 3.95 km/s Next Steps: Determine the 3-D transfer requirements Recalculate transfer with more accurate values Investigate bielliptic transfer, low thrust, and other alternative transfer methods [Name] [Group]