AP Environmental Science Notable Toxins AP Environmental Science
Lead Where Found In Environment Health Impacts Important Info Old pipes, paint and old gasoline. Batteries Health Impacts Neurotoxinbrain damage and kidney problems Important Info Babies and toddlers can ingest paint chips in old houses and from toys
Where Found In Environment Mercury Where Found In Environment Coal burnedmercury airbornrainriversoceanbioaccumulation & biomagnificationtuna and swordfishhumans Health Impacts Same as lead Important Info Minimata Bay, Japan thousands died from Mercury dumped in Bay
Where Found In Environment Health Impacts Asbestos Where Found In Environment Insulation in older buildings Health Impacts Lung Cancer (Mesothelioma) and scarring of the lungs (Asbestiosis)
Where Found In Environment PBDE Where Found In Environment Fire-retardant in computers, cars, TVs, plastics, pillows, mattresses etc. Health Impacts Possible endocrine disruptor Important Info Has been found in human breast milk
Where Found In Environment Health Impacts Important Info DDT Where Found In Environment Top predatory birds from persistent DDT/DDE Health Impacts Birds’ eggs crack Important Info Banned in the U.S. One of the dirty dozen
Where Found In Environment PCB Where Found In Environment Industrial chemical. Now banned, but persists a long time (POP) Arctic circle Health Impacts Neurotoxin. Same as lead Important Info Same as DDT
Where Found In Environment Bisphenol-A (BPA) Where Found In Environment Plastics, lining of food cans, receipt tape, dental fillings Health Impacts Probable endocrine disruptor Important Info Banned in baby products
Where Found In Environment Health Impacts Important Info Cadmium Where Found In Environment Rechargable batteries Health Impacts Neurotoxin-same as lead Important Info Can leak from batteries in a landfill into groundwater below the landfill.
Aldicarb Where Found In Environment Health Impacts Important Info Pesticide used on crops Health Impacts Possible teratogen Causes respiratory problems, nausea and headaches Important Info One of the most toxic pesticides legal in the U.S.
Atrazine Where Found In Environment Health Impacts Important Info Herbicide Health Impacts Endocrine disruptor Causes amphibians to become hermaphrodites or sexually impaired. Important Info Very common. Manufacturer says no problem
Phthalates Where found in the Environment? Health Impacts Soft plastic children’s toys and many cosmetics Labeled as ‘fragrance’ on consumer products Health Impacts Hormone-disrupting chemical. Birth defects, breast cancer Important Info Banned in Europe, but remains widespread in US. Banned in CA and WA in children’s toys Partially responsible for that ‘new car smell’
Triclosan Where found in the Environment? Antibacterial items (hand sanitizer, toothpaste(!!), you name it…. it is in MANY consumer products (soaps, cosmetics, clothing, etc). Health Impacts Possible endocrine disruptor, leads to the development of resistant bacteria, may decrease your immune response Important info NOT using hand sanitizer and instead relying on simple hand washing improves your immune response as you body learns to deal with bacteria.
PFOA Where it is found in the Environment Chemical in Teflon pans and other ‘non-stick’ items ; dental floss (makes it ‘glide’) Heath Impacts Carcinogen, may be an endocrine disruptor Important info Buying/ using stainless steel pots/ pans can help you to minimize your exposure to this substance. Do NOT use a non-stick pan that is scratched.