Effect of Misinformation on Memory Recall Hailey Formo Minnesota State University, Moorhead
Introduction and Background Otgaar and Howe found that adults and children are equally susceptible to false memories. Stille: Source of misinformation. Immediacy of misinformation and recalling of the event. Why this research need to be done… Morgan , Southwick, Steffian, Hazlett, and Loftus Suggest that human memory with stressful evens is highly subject to error and misinformation. -- Paz-Alonso, Googman, and Ibabe Found that the higher the distress a participant reports the higher the accuracy of recall of information from a video. Source examples written, discussion, and the status of the source. Research suggests that misinformation effect was higher when info comes from an unbiased and reliable source. Why these conflicting results show that we need to complete more research
Hypothesis Main effects for Misinformation Main effects for Warning Hope for an interaction between warning and misinformation variables My hypothesis for this research is that participants who are warned and then presented with misinformation will recall the video more accurately then participants not warned and then presented with misinformation. I predict main effects for misinformation, such that those receiving misinformation will score lower on the memory recall questionnaire. I also predict main effects for warning, such that those receiving a warning about misinformation will score better on the recall questionnaire then those who are not warned. I hope to see an interaction between warning and misinformation variables.
Participants 120 participants (30 in each condition) Male and Female lower level psychology students at MSUM Approximately 25 minute session All participants will be treated according to the ethical guidelines of the American Psychological Association Sign Up Sheet across from the Psychology office Extra Credit and Full Debriefing
Design 2x2 between subjects factorial design 2 IVs DV Warning Misinformation DV Recall score on questionnaire Warning Misinformation No Warning No Misinformation
Materials Video Warning of misinformation in appropriate conditions Eyewitness testimony Memory Recall Questionnaire
Procedure Informed Consent Form Video Participants will be warned of misinformation in appropriate conditions Eye witness Testimony for specific condition Memory Recall questionnaire in multiple choice format Demographic form and Debriefing Thanked for participation and given their blue card to receive extra credit
Results A two way analysis of variance (ANOVA) Alpha will be set at .05
Sample Demographic Name _________________________ Age ______ Gender _________________ Major __________________ Year in College Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior
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