SysML 2.0 Concept and Needs for Visualization 03/22/2017 OMG Q1 Meeting Reston, VA
Services Primary Service Other Related Services “Create, read, update, delete, and execute viewpoints” Other Related Services “. . . Model queries . . .” “. . . Model execution . . .” “. . . View changes . . .” “. . . View/execute links to other data . . .” . . . Nearly all others (specialized queries)
High-Level Needs Viewpoint Definition View Definition Data Model + (Define objects, attributes, source formats) Viewpoint Types (SysML Standard, Geometry, custom) Persistence View Definition View Element Definition (Define, map, relate) Layout Definition View Behavior (layout, execution, interaction) View Navigation
Visualization Concept Diagram
Requirement Organization Data Model Requirements for data model, meta model, attributes, types, etc. Data Sources Requirements for sources of data to be used in model visualization Visualization Definition Requirements for rules for rendering and interactivity defined relative to the data meta model within a viewpoint Viewpoint Definition Requirements for model viewpoints including SysML standard and user-defined views Views Requirements for views (executed viewpoints) View/Viewpoint Persistence Requirements for the persistence of viewpoint and view data and meta data
Requirements – Data Model Driving Requirement(s) Model data and meta shall be accessible for viewpoint usage Users shall be able to define viewpoints using both relational and graph-based data models UID Short Name Requirement Text Type Level Data Model Objects The viewpoint shall be able to define data model object types within the metamodel Requirement 4 Data Attributes The viewpoint shall be able to define data attributes describing the data model objects Relational Data Models The viewpoint shall be capable of defining viewpoints using relational data models Graph Data Models The viewpoint shall be capable of defining viewpoints using graph data models
Requirements – Data Sources Driving Requirement(s) Viewpoints definition shall be able to use a variety of data sources Viewpoint definition shall be aware of data source location and authorization UID Short Name Requirement Text Type Level Normalized Data Sources The viewpoint shall be able to define transformations to the data metamodel from normalized data sources (i.e. relational databases like Oracle, DB2, MySQL, etc.) Requirement 4 Non-normalized Data Sources The viewpoint shall be able to define transformations to the data metamodel from non-normalized data sources (i.e. graph databases) Serialized Data Sources The viewpoint shall be able to define transformations to the data metamodel from serialized data sources (i.e. XML, CSV, etc.) Object Data Sources The viewpoint shall be able to define transformations to the data metamodel from object data source (i.e., in-memory objects) 2.2.2 Data Source Location The viewpoint shall be able to define the location (e.g., URL) of a data source 3 2.2.3 Data Source Authorization The viewpoint shall be able to define user authentication and authorization properties for a data source
Requirements – Visualization Definition Driving Requirement(s) Visualization definition shall include a variety of forms including text, document, serializations, etc. Visualization definition shall include interactive, comparative and executive behavior UID Short Name Requirement Text Type Level 2.3.1 Rendered Object Visualization definitions shall define rendered objects. Requirement 3 Diagram Object Definitions Diagram visualization definitions shall be capable of defining the following graphical elements: nodes, edges, ports, full drawing 5 Diagram Layout Definitions Diagram visualization defintions shall be capable of specifying a default layout style, defining layout properties, and constraining the relative and aboslute positions of rendered objects within the diagram Diagram Topology Definitions Diagram visualization definitions shall be capable of defining ownership relationships among rendered objects within the diagram (e.g. nodes own ports) Textual Rendered Objects Textual visualization definitions are of special interest to the SME. The rendered objects of a textual visualization definition are unicode characters and are presented in a human-readable form. 4 Model Serialization Rendered Objects Model serialization visualization definitions are of special interest to the SME. The rendered objects of a model serialization visualization are presented in a machine-readable form for tool interoperability. Document Rendered Objects Document visualization definitions are of special interest to the SME. The rendered objects of a document visualization are a collection narrative text, diagrams, tables, and/or rendered objects of other human-readable types supporting a specific business or engineering objective. View Interactive Behaviors Visualization definitions shall define interactive behaviors related to the visualiztion rendering (e.g. change color, layout, zoom, sort table rows, resize text, add/remove layers,etc.) Model Interactive Behaviors Visualization definitions shall provide interactive behaviors related to the model data (e.g. perform validation and highlight results, analyze view data, modify data attributes) Comparison Visualization Capability The visualization definition shall indicate whether comparison of (and revealing differences between) model versions is supported by this visualization. Execution Visualization Capability The visualization definition shall indicate whether dynamic representation of model execution is supported by this visualization.
Requirements – Viewpoint Definition Driving Requirement(s) Definition of viewpoints shall include SysML 1.X standard views, with the addition of a new viewpoint for geometric views Definition of viewpoints shall include facilities for user-defined and domain-specific views Viewpoints shall be relatable to other viewpoints (semantic pan) UID Short Name Requirement Text Type Level 2.4.1 User-Defined Viewpoint Definition An individual shall be capable of defining a viewpoint to meet his or her specific needs, containing one or more uniquely required data models, data sources, and/or visualization definitions. Requirement 3 2.4.2 Domain-Specific Viewpoint Definition Domain standards groups shall be capable of defining a set of viewpoints to meet common needs for users within the domain, containing one or more commonly required data models, data sources, and/or visualization definitions. 2.4.3 SysML 1.X Standard Viewpoint Definitions The SysML specification shall continue to provide a set the SysML 1.X standard viewpoints containing the standard SysML metamodel and visualization definition required to generate the standard SysML diagram types. 2.4.4 SysML 2.0 Geometry Viewpoint Definition The SysML specification shall provide a new SysML standard viewpoint providing the ability to visualize 3-D geometric definition for SysML elements 2.4.5 Viewpoint Relatability The SysML specification shall provide a mechanism to map SysML-defined viewpoint elements to user-defined and domain specific viewpoint elements
Requirements – Views & Persistence Driving Requirement(s) Viewpoint shall be executable as static and dynamic views, including navigation between executable viewpoints (semantic pan) Viewpoints shall be capable of persisting (user-defined modifications to viewpoint definition) Views shall be capable of persisting (user-defined modifications to views like filtering querying, etc.) UID Short Name Requirement Text Type Level 2.5.1 Static Views The viewpoint shall be executable to export static views. A static view does not implement any interactive behaviors defined on the viewpoint. Requirement 3 2.5.2 Dynamic Views The viewpoint shall be executable to generate dynamic views. A dynamic view implements the interactive behaviors defined on the viewpoint. 2.5.3 View Navigation Views shall be capable of navigating to other views based on view element relations (e.g. from a BDD to a related IBD to a related AD based on related elements 2.6.1 Viewpoint Persistence Viewpoint definitions shall have the capability of being persisted (i.e. saving, storing, recalling) 2.6.2 View Persistence Views (both originally defined and user modified) shall have the capability of being persisted
Interfaces Model Construction Model Analysis Model Management Provide modified data and meta data from executed views Model Analysis Receive analysis/query data for view/viewpoint definition and execution Provide analysis/query viewpoint definition Provide analysis/query view execution Model Management Receive authentication and access information services Receive model data and meta data (incl. version, in-work, etc.) via standard SysML meta model and extensions Receive managed viewpoint definition data Receive managed view execution data Provide view/viewpoint definition data
Concerns/Comments from Coronado Concrete syntax requirements. SysML v2 shall: Provide a flexible view and viewpoint capability that includes graphical, textual, tabular, and numerical presentation methods [2.3.1] Provide support for composite viewpoints and navigation between view [2.4.1, 2.4.2, 2.4.5, 2.5.3] Provide standard viewpoints and views for SysML v1 diagrams (assists transition from v1 to v2) [2.4.3] Provide a standard mapping language between concrete syntax and abstract syntax [2.2.1] Provide a standard graphical concrete syntax that maps to the abstract syntax [2.3.1] Provide a standard textual concrete syntax that maps to the abstract syntax [2.3.1] Provide ability to specify domain specific concrete syntax (e.g., symbol sets) that maps to the abstract syntax [2.4.1, 2.4.2] Provide a simple geometric view as a standard diagram* [2.4.4] Provide a standard viewpoint library (platform independent model with platform bindings) [2.2.1] Provide diagram interchange and/or exchange of the viewpoint method to regenerate the view [2.2.1, 2.6.1] Provide persistent views to support documentation and reports [2.3.X, 2.6.2] In addition, SysML v2 should provide visualization services such as support for auto-layout, dynamic, interactive visualization (e.g., user select scope of model, filters, layers, etc.), as well as manual diagram layout capability. The ability to specify diagram layers that consist of a group of diagram elements which can be displayed (e.g., turn on or off, assignment of colors or offsets, etc.), is considered an essential feature of SysML v2 views. [2.3.2.X]
Original SysML v1.x Limitations Separation of Model Construction from Visualization Diagram construction left to modeler Model elements can be removed, but added elements cannot be automatically added to diagrams Some tool capabilities to auto-create, but not necessarily rule-based Specification of SysML Diagrammatic Views Appearance of SysML diagrams is fixed with no facility for user-defined rules Modelers sometimes make modeling choices to accommodate immediate needs, resulting in more work later or deferring robust modeling View Construction and Layout Layout of diagram elements manual requiring manual maintenance Facility for “semantic zoom” In-Work, Changed Data and Model Compare The current spec is silent on visualizing changes and differences between model baselines
Capabilities – to be required? View Definition Highly flexible viewpoint specification Data query/filter capability Data transformation Interactive behaviors Standard SysML diagram type definitions Extension for user-defined and domain-specific visualizations View Generation Defined graphical and layout styles for the nine core SysML diagram types Extensions for graphical definitions of diagram objects (nodes, edges, connectors) Extensions for diagram layout and style Defined extension framework for visualization Semantic filter, zoom and pan capability Static and dynamic view generation Facilities for compare/differencing views of model data (element, diagram and data set levels) Capability to visualize model execution View Export Static and dynamic view export Document generation
Concrete Syntax & Standard Diagrams Requirement – The SysML specification shall provide means to visualize the standard SysML diagram types. Considerations/Approaches – No longer specify standard SysML diagrams and syntax, instead providing only the abstract capability to define viewpoints that are known to be a superset of those required for standard diagram types. Specify only SysML diagram types (viewpoints), but allow user-defined syntax within the constrains of the specified viewpoints Specify some/all SysML diagrams with a set of defined executable viewpoint, providing set of visualization definitions that result in diagrams that look like the current concrete syntax of SysML 1.X (Somewhat dependent on formalism connection to UML) Maintain current specification of SysML diagrams and syntax, leaving implementation of the concrete syntax within a viewpoint unspecified. Recommendation – Specify standard viewpoints and syntax for the standard 9 SysML diagram types
User-Defined Diagrams Requirements – Current requirements only specify requirements to map data, define viewpoints and generate views. Examples – “The viewpoint shall be able to define data model object types within the metamodel” “The viewpoint shall be able to define data attributes describing the data model objects” Considerations/Approaches – Specify additional (domain-specific) diagram types with SysML 1.X-style concrete syntax Specify additional diagram types with standard executable viewpoints Leave domain-specific extensions abstract, leaving both concrete syntax and viewpoint implementation to the user or future dependent specifications. Recommendation – Leave extensions abstract. Only specify mechanisms for mapping, view definition and view generation.
Visualization for Geometry and States Scope – “Light” visualization of geometrical constructs (boxes, cones, spheres, etc. Apply geometries for states (instance specs?) Not to replace visualizations of 3D geometries from Mechanical domain Requirements – Currently, none Considerations/Approaches – Continue to NOT specify constructs for basic geometries Require facilities for capturing and rendering basic geometries Recommendation – Enhance the language (along with standard units and measures) to include basic geometry for visualization (Credit: AGI, Inc.) Artist concept of Juno. (Credit: NASA/JPL)
Pallet Elements and Presentation Scope – Presentation of pallet in tools, not inclusive of defined syntax Elements, meta data, etc. (most tools do this today) Requirements – Currently, none Considerations/Approaches – Specify (prescribe) pallet and standard presentation of syntactical elements for use in SME Leave presentation of syntactical elements to vendors Recommendation – Continue to leave implementation of syntactical elements to implementation of language (vendor-defined)