iVend Retail 6.5 Dashboard Designer
Agenda Overview Features Pre-requisites Things to ask before designing a Dashboard Designing Dashboard Artifacts Q & A
Confidential ©2016 CitiXsys. All Rights Reserved. Overview Fully interactive business intelligence dashboards Drag & drop feature to create dashboards in record time Can be viewed from iVend management console/ any standard browser using the iVend web viewer Delivers flexible, interactive and fully customizable user experiences Optimized results for real-time data consumption and analysis Results are immediate, accurate and always relevant Insightful and information rich decision support systems for executives and business users across platforms and devices Getting information is just a matter of selecting the appropriate UI element (Chart, Pivot Table, Data Card, Gauge, Map or Grid) and dropping data fields onto corresponding arguments, values and series Confidential ©2016 CitiXsys. All Rights Reserved.
Confidential ©2016 CitiXsys. All Rights Reserved. Features Dashboard items can be used to visualize data on the dashboard in various ways and apply filtering using filter elements Interactivity features allow end-users to apply filtering to a dashboard or analyze data at different detail levels Data shaping features provide the capability to use various data shaping operations such as grouping, sorting, filtering, formatting, etc. Dashboard items arranged to a separate layout group and enable group filtering Printing and exporting capabilities allow end-users to print/export dashboard items or the entire dashboard Customize built-in popup menus and/or create new custom menus Change the width of columns in a Grid dashboard item (including Auto Width and Best Fit) Confidential ©2016 CitiXsys. All Rights Reserved.
Confidential ©2016 CitiXsys. All Rights Reserved. Features Associate individual fields with a color palette to colorize dimension values and specific measures Allow end-users to resize individual dashboard items and/or entire layout groups Customize underlying controls and widgets used to visualize data within dashboard items Execute custom actions when end-users select or highlight chart series points, grid rows, cards, etc. Confidential ©2016 CitiXsys. All Rights Reserved.
Features - Extended master filtering capabilities ComboBox ListBox with multiselection TreeView DropDown with multiselection RadioGroup Confidential ©2016 CitiXsys. All Rights Reserved.
Confidential ©2016 CitiXsys. All Rights Reserved. Pre-requisites Dashboard planning requires thought and input from people who: Know organization's Key Results Areas and can identify and define its Key Performance Indicators Can group these indicators by areas of responsibility, and who know who needs to see what information Know what data is available in iVend database Understands Active Metrics and its capabilities Dashboard creation requires skill in User interface design and information display, And to be able to select the most appropriate widgets (displays) for each metric in the dashboard Confidential ©2016 CitiXsys. All Rights Reserved.
Things To Ask Before You Build A Dashboard What purpose does this Dashboard serve? Who is the target audience for this dashboard? What are we measuring? Do we have our measures clearly defined? What type of views does this dashboard have? Confidential ©2016 CitiXsys. All Rights Reserved.
Dashboard Designing
Dashboard Designing Concepts Providing Data Presenting Dashboard Storing Dashboard Printing & Exporting Designing Dashboard Confidential ©2016 CitiXsys. All Rights Reserved.
Confidential ©2016 CitiXsys. All Rights Reserved. Dashboard Designer The iVend Dashboard provides an intuitive UI that facilitates: Data binding Data shaping Layout design Complex tasks can be accomplished with simple drag-and-drop operations provided by iVend dashboard Confidential ©2016 CitiXsys. All Rights Reserved.
Dashboard Designing - Designer Confidential ©2016 CitiXsys. All Rights Reserved.
Dashboard Designing - Parameters Dashboard Parameters are used when it is necessary to pass data of a certain type to a dashboard (e.g., to pass a specific value to the data source filter string or a calculated field) Steps to use dashboard parameters: Create Parameter Pass Parameter value Request Parameter value Confidential ©2016 CitiXsys. All Rights Reserved.
Steps to use Dashboard parameters Create Parameter Pass Parameter value Request Parameter value Confidential ©2016 CitiXsys. All Rights Reserved.
Dashboard Designing – Dashboard Items When grouped by Type, Dashboard items can be categorized as - Data Visualization Items - Represent UI elements which are used to display data within the Dashboard Filter Elements - To apply filtering to other dashboard items Dashboard Item Group - Arranges dashboard items and allows user to manage interaction between dashboard items within and outside the group Confidential ©2016 CitiXsys. All Rights Reserved.
Dashboard Designing – Dashboard Items Confidential ©2016 CitiXsys. All Rights Reserved.
Dashboard Designing – Dashboard Items Chart Cards Geo Point Maps Confidential ©2016 CitiXsys. All Rights Reserved.
Dashboard Designing – Dashboard Items Grid Gauges Choropleth Map Pies Confidential ©2016 CitiXsys. All Rights Reserved.
Dashboard Designing – Data Shaping Summary - Calculates summary against the specified measure Grouping - Group dimension values and display summaries for entire groups rather than individual values Filtering - Allows sorting by measure values as well Sorting - Can be applied to each individual data-aware dashboard item Top N - Display only a limited number of values that correspond to the highest or lowest values of a particular measure Formatting Data - Customize various data format settings for numeric and date-time values Confidential ©2016 CitiXsys. All Rights Reserved.
Confidential ©2016 CitiXsys. All Rights Reserved. Dashboard Designing – Interactivity Master Filtering - The Master Filter item supports two selection modes. Multiple - Allows to select multiple elements in the Master Filter item. Single - Allows to select only one element in the Master Filter item. When this mode is enabled, the default selection will be set to a Master Filter element. User can change this selection, but can’t clear it. (To enable/disable master filtering, use the Multiple Master Filter or Single Master Filter buttons in the Data Ribbon tab.) Confidential ©2016 CitiXsys. All Rights Reserved.
Confidential ©2016 CitiXsys. All Rights Reserved. Dashboard Designing – Interactivity Drill - Down - Allows end-users to change the detail level of data displayed in a dashboard item. The Drill-Down feature enables users to drill down to display detailed data, or drill up to view more general information. (To enable drill-down, click the Drill-Down button in the Data Ribbon tab (or the button if you are using the toolbar menu) Confidential ©2016 CitiXsys. All Rights Reserved.
Confidential ©2016 CitiXsys. All Rights Reserved. Dashboard Designing – Layout Title - The Dashboard Title is located at the top of the dashboard surface. It can contain text or image content. Items Layout - The Dashboard Designer provides the capability to arrange and resize dashboard items and groups in various ways, using simple drag-and-drop operations. Item Caption - Each dashboard item has a caption that is displayed at the top of the item. The caption contains static text along with other information, as well as command buttons. Item Group - Dashboard provides the capability to combine dashboard items into a group. The dashboard item group serves two main purposes: - Combine dashboard items within the dashboard into a separate layout group. - Manage interaction between dashboard items within and outside the group. Confidential ©2016 CitiXsys. All Rights Reserved.
Confidential ©2016 CitiXsys. All Rights Reserved. Dashboard Designing – Printing and Exporting To print or export the entire dashboard, click the button in the dashboard title area and choose the required action - Print Preview - The Preview window will be invoked. Here, you can change the orientation and size of the printed page, specify the margins, scale the document, etc. Export to PDF or Export to Image - The Export To... dialog will be invoked Confidential ©2016 CitiXsys. All Rights Reserved.
Confidential ©2016 CitiXsys. All Rights Reserved. Dashboard Designing – Refresh Interval Confidential ©2016 CitiXsys. All Rights Reserved.
Confidential ©2016 CitiXsys. All Rights Reserved. Dashboard Designing – Quick Tips Clear and suitable naming convention Applying appropriate time frames Using consistent date formatting Truncate large values Be selective with the amount of data to display Use menus and filters to simplify complex data sets Use colors to alert and notify users Don’t try to put everything in a single dashboard..!! Confidential ©2016 CitiXsys. All Rights Reserved.
Confidential ©2016 CitiXsys. All Rights Reserved. Artifacts Citixsys Knowledge Portal CKP -> iVend Extensibility Landing page iVend Add-On developer guide: CKP -> Document Store -> Product Documentation -> iVend Retail -> iVend Retail 6.5 -> iVend_Retail_6.5_.Reports & Dashboard User Manual.rar Confidential ©2016 CitiXsys. All Rights Reserved.
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