Unit4 Partner Portal for Case Creator Submitting & Managing Cases
Agenda Our services for you Obtaining product support Track case status Manage your case
You have a product question and need help? I have a product question and I get the answer… Self Service …searching in our cloud based knowledge base …or contacting Unit4 consultant via phone, email, or by logging a ticket in partners.unit4.com/ portal Level 1 User Interfaces …or on different expert levels e.g. Consulting, R&D Level 3 Internal Expert Groups Example: Basic Troubleshooting Example: Question on payroll = Domain Specialist Example: Defect = application or consulting required …consultant will escalate with module expert or technician Level 2
Home Console for Partners Home Button Returns to the Home Console Product Support (6.) Open a case to get support of the Unit4 service team Portals (7.) Shows you additional Unit4 portals Account Information about contact details, qualification, etc. Contacts Your contacts Knowledge base Help yourself by using the Knowledge Base Latest news General and Product News Documentation and Learning Center General and Product Learning Center Product support (2.) Open a case to get support of the Unit4 service team Portals (3.) Shows you additional Unit4 portals Track case status View the status of case, add comments, etc.
Product Support Click on “Product support” to search for an article, or if no solution found on “Log a case” to get the answer for your request.
Unit4 Partner Portal Product support The partner account and all linked customer accounts are displayed. Searching as a partner will also bring up the cases of the selected Account
Start a case and search for knowledge 7 1 2 Fill in… Product (only entitled products will be shown in the list) Subject Problem Description – be complete Functional Area Sub-Module Program/Screen 3 4 5 6 8 Search for knowledge under “Helpful items“ (helpful articles will be proposed based on your problem description) If you don’t find what you are looking for, complete the support request form to open a case.
Unit4 Customer Portal Search for knowledge – Helpful items 7 Search for knowledge under Helpful Items Keep your search general to increase the number of likely hits! If a proposed solution is clicked, a window opens with details (summary, module & article) on the proposed solution. If the solution, helps click:
Complete the support request form and fill further in… Log a case Complete the support request form when not finding an answer under “Helpful items” (Knowledge Base)… Product selection from which you will only see what you are licensed. Functional Areas will be displayed based on the selected product. Sub-Modules will be displayed based on the Functional Area. Complete the support request form and fill further in… Environment where the issue is experienced. …by clicking on “Manage Environment” users may add new environments or to modify existing ones 9 10 Priority
Log a case Click here to open a case – After not finding the answer under “Helpful items” and filling in all information needed. 11
Professional Services Routing To ensure the best possible support, cases can be directed or moved to different service teams. 1 Cases that are sent to Professional Services: Open the Product Support Enter “Consulting” as case subject Specify your request Choose “Professional Services” as Functional Area The case will directly go to Professional Services. Sometimes the Support Consultant may close an existing case and link/create a new Professional Services case. 2 3 4 Follow Up with your Account Manager for the status of items referred to Professional Services.
Cloud Services Routing To ensure the best possible support, cases can be directed or moved to different service teams. 1 If a customer has a cloud-related issue they should: Indicate the technical nature of the request (e.g. new password or database refresh) The consultant will: Confirm the issue Add Cloud Services to the case team and the case will directly go to the right service team 2 3
Click on “Track case status” to view the status of your request.
Here you see the status of your cases! List of cases After clicking on “Track case status“ a list of all your cases will show up. The search function helps when searching for a specific case. The list can be filtered by status, priority, product and on view as well as by one of the columns in the list. Here you see the status of your cases! Click on the case number to view case details.
As an additional filter, partners can sort their cases by accounts. Track cases As an additional filter, partners can sort their cases by accounts.
Selecting Your case When clicking on a case number or creating a new case, a list with details will be presented:
Short description of the problem that’s treated by the case. Manage your case Starting with details on Customer and Problem Definition, you can see several details of your case. Click “Edit” to add additional information to the case. This can include the Partner Case Reference number. The main contact of a case will receive all case related comments, E-mails, etc. Short description of the problem that’s treated by the case.
Case Status and Team Edit What about Case Status and Case Team? The External Status gives you information on the progress of your case. Click here to add new case team members (that can include the customer) or to change the main contact of your case. Only the current Main Contact can assign that role to another person Edit the case team members and their roles by clicking “Edit” and selecting the specific role, including customer roles.
Case Team Edit Case Team Member Roles Explanation of the Partner Case Team Member Roles: Main Contact: The partner contact who owns the case within Unit4. Partner Contact: A partner addition resource on the case Partner SME: A subject matter expert and a partner to the main contact. Partner IT Expert: A special contact to get detailed help of IT-related questions.
Comments are alerts to the consultant and shown in the case details. Updating your case You have several options to send information on a case: In the problem description when creating a new case By using the case comments function By attaching a file to the case By sending an E-mail to the consultant To ensure quick support, E-mails can be sent to the responsible consultant of the case. To send a document to the consultant please make sure to use the “attach a document” function. h Click on “Add Comment” to provide additional information on the case or to post a question. Comments are alerts to the consultant and shown in the case details.
Adding Attachments You have several options to send information on a case: In the problem description when creating a new case By using the case comments function By attaching a file to the case By sending an E-mail to the consultant Click on “Attach File” to add additional material (maximal 5MB). Attachments from E-mails are also posted in this section of the case. In case the consultant may need more information from the main contact of the case, he will send an E-mail request, that also changes the status of the case to “Awaiting Feedback”.
Sending or Responding to Email After the consultant has evaluated the case and perhaps has some questions or ideas, you will receive an email from the consultant. You can also use email any time to converse with an consultant on your case, or to provide additional documentation. Please note: Never change the subject of the E-Mail corresponding to the case as the subject is used to record the E-mail in the case file. Click on “add comment” to provide additional information on the case or to post a question.
Receiving and Tracking Emails E-mail corresponding from the consultant (Example) The E-mail Status will show you if you “Sent” an E-mail to the consultant or if the consultant “Replied” to you. An example from the consultant could be: Dear Customer, We are investigating your issue logged under Case #00001335, Subject: ”We can’t start up Agresso” - Not completing as scheduled and in order to proceed we require further information. Please provide the following so we can continue troubleshooting your issue: Hello Scott, Thanks for the request. Please send attached item. Ware Please click the link below to see Case details. https://uat-mysupport.cs87.force.com/5008E000001mLuvQAE Regards, UNIT4 Customer Support Click on “add comment” to provide additional information on the case or to post a question.
Receiving Automated Reminders Partners will receive automatic emails in the following situations: To confirm receipt of changes you have made to the case When an consultant has reviewed and begun processing a case When an consultant posts a comment for your attention As a follow up to an consultant’s request for more information to which you haven’t responded As a follow up to an consultant’s request to confirm a solution to which you haven’t responded To request your response to a survey, if not previously completed.
Requesting Escalation The red arrow shows that the case has been escalated. To escalate the case click on “Request Consultant´s follow up”. In case you don´t receive any feedback from the consultant, you have the possibility to further escalate the case to a support manager. Insert your request and click ´“Ok“. The escalation request will generate an E-mail to the consultant or manager with your escalation reason. Others in your organization will see that the case has been escalated, but not your escalation comment.
Closing a Case If you have received a solution for your request or it is no longer an issue, close the case by clicking “Close Case”. Please provide feedback on the quality of service after the case is closed.
If you have any questions, please contact: admin.support@unit4.com