Do Now Which defense mechanism do you use the most?
Psychoanalytic Perspective Unit 10: Personality Psychoanalytic Perspective
Personality Personality an individual’s typical way of thinking, feeling, and acting This is the stuff that makes us unique
Psychoanalytic Perspective Freud’s theory about thoughts and actions Felt we have unconscious feelings/motives and thee things drove our actions even if didn’t realize it Unconscious where our unacceptable thoughts and feelings are Things we are unaware of Wanted to expose and interpret the unconscious Did this using free association EX: say the first thing that comes to tour mind when I say boy He would interpret your response
The Mind – According to Freud Parts of the mind Conscious: what you are aware of Preconscious: information not conscious of, but is retrievable Unconscious: thoughts, wishes and desires not aware of
Personality – According Freud Personality structure has 3 aspects Id: operates on pleasure principle EX: a baby crying out for satisfaction caring for nothing of the world’s conditions and demands Ego: operates on the reality principle EX: Sex is a pleasure and the ego helps us determine that sex with a long term partner is best for long term happiness (reality) Think about what would happen if we didn’t have this Superego: voice of conscience, operates on the moral principle Conscious develops around 4/5 years of age this is our moral voice it forces the ego to not only accept what’s real but what is ideal how we ought to behave it strives for perfection and creates that positive feeling of pride or negative feeling of guilt
Personality Development – According to Freud Psychosexual stages of development when the id’s pleasure seeking energies focus on specific parts of the body (erogenous zones) Can become fixated at stages…pleasure-seeking energies become locked into that stage Oral: pleasure center is mouth…biting, sucking, chewing Fixation at this stage would be smoking when older because mom moved you off the breast too young Anal: pleasure focus is bowels/bladder and coping with control Phallic: pleasure zone is genitals and cope with incestuous feelings Oedipus complex – boys unconscious sexual desire for mom and jealous/hatred for dad…fear punishment if dad found out Identification – cope with threatening feelings by identifying with same sex parent Latency: dormant sexual feelings Genital: sexual feelings toward others y%202e%20AP/Student%20Resources/Flip%20It%20Videos/flipit_mo d55_psychosexual_stages_development.html
Defense Mechanisms Protective methods we use to defend against the anxiety inducing feelings/thoughts. Act is out Repression Regression Reaction formation Projection Rationalization Displacement Sublimation Denial
Neo-Freudians Alfred Adler Karen Horney Carl Jung Inferiority complex Childhood anxiety caused by a sense of helplessness Balanced out male-dominance in Freud’s theory Carl Jung Unconscious contains two parts… Personal unconscious Collective unconscious Archetypes -- universal, symbolic images that appear in myths, art, stories and dreams
Today- Activity Archetypes Activity – Carl Jung Identify a character from an animated film who fits each of the following archetypes (images or themes all humans share and understand, housed in the collective unconscious) - The hero - The damsel in distress - The trickster - The shadow - The wise old one
Assessing Personality Projective Tests Thematic Apperception Test Rorschach Inkblot Test Problems with projective tests??? Biased Subject to interpretation yers%20Psychology%202e%20AP/Student%20Reso urces/Flip%20It%20Videos/flipit_mod56_projective _tests.html
Today- Remainder Test your knowledge Quiz Qs #1-5 HW HW = Qs # 6-8 (Humanistic)