Anatomical terms Planes of section: Frontal/Coronal: Front and back Sagittal: Left and right Median/Midsagittal: Through the center Axial/Horizontal/Transverse: Upper and lower
Anatomical directions Anterior/Ventral: Front Posterior/Dorsal: Back Inferior: Bottom Superior: Top Lateral: Away from median plane Medial: Toward the median plane
Anatomy of the auditory system Contained in the temporal bone Located on the sides of the skull
Parts of the temporal bone Squamous Mastoid Tympanic Petrous Medial view of right ear. Note: IAM is internal auditory meatus, which is different from the external auditory meatus. Lateral view of right ear
Parts of the auditory system External ear Middle ear Inner ear
Anatomy of the ear
External ear Consists of Auricle or Pinna: Mostly cartilage External auditory canal/meatus
Parts of the Pinna Concha: Bowl or deep central portion Helix: Prominent ridge that begins superior to the opening of the canal and runs around the pinna Antihelix: Interior ridge parallel to the helix Triangular fossa: Triangular depression formed anteriorly and superiorly by the helix Lobule: Most inferior part of the pinna Tragus: Small flap at the anterior side of the concha
External auditory meatus Length is approximately 28 mm Diameter is approximately 7 mm Not perfectly straight Ends in the tympanic membrane Outer half of the canal formed by cartilage Skin secretes cerumen Medial part formed by bone from the squamous and tympanic portions of the temporal bone