@Dublin Scioto High School Dublin IT Academy @Dublin Scioto High School
What is the Dublin IT Academy? It is a collaboration between Dublin City Schools, Tolles Career & Technical Center, and Columbus State Community College designed to: deliver secondary Ohio content standards and instruction in IT, deliver instruction in and exposure to national credentialing in IT, deliver interpersonal and professional networking opportunities with leaders in the local and national IT field, develop leadership skills through membership in Business Professionals of America (BPA), and deliver dual enrollment credit (transcripted, transferrable credit with an official college GPA) through Columbus State.
How are those objectives possible? Teacher is Mrs. Angie Walsh. She serves as both the High School Teacher and the CSCC Adjunct Professor. Lab meets for 3 periods per day. Some dual enrollment credit is completed apart from class time. Students have laptops assigned to them with appropriate software they can take out of the classroom. Collaboration, Collaboration, Collaboration!
Who provides what? High School Side of the Collaboration: ODE Standards in Pathway N3, Programming and Software. Courses in that pathway, including end of course exams (Web Xam), are: Information Technology (145006) Programming (145060) Systems Analysis & Design (145075) Web Design (145010) IT Capstone (145015) Exposure to JAVA and HTML including preparation for potential to sit for national exam. Exposure to SQL, Professional and Personal Networking with IT Leaders Leadership Lessons through Business Professionals of America (BPA). Columbus State Side of the Collaboration: Provide post secondary, transcripted credits in 4 courses for 12 hours possible: CSCI 1103 Introduction to Programming Logic CSCI 1511 Python Programming CSCI 1145 HTML CSCI 1320 Database Fundamentals
How do I get involved? Review the requirements for application: Applicants must be in good academic standing, Applicants must be of Junior or Senior standing by start of school year 2017- 2018, Applicants must be willing to commit to 3 periods per day, For transcripted credit, applicants will need to pass the CSCC Placement Test in the Spring of 2017. Date to be determined. Complete application form and essay. Submit application form and essay by deadline. If accepted into the Dublin IT Academy, attend informational sessions. Dates to be announced.
What questions do you have? Dublin IT Academy What questions do you have?
Contact Information: Teacher - Mrs. Angie Walsh - walsh_angela@dublinschools.net or AWalsh@tollestech.com Tolles Satellite Director - Mrs. Connie Strebe - CStrebe@tollestech.com
We look forward to your application! Thanks for joining us!