Mrs. Bruce & Mrs. Singleton We are delighted to be your child’s teachers this year. We consider it a great privilege and responsibility to help facilitate your child’s learning.
Beginning in second grade, students will be taught in a team teaching situation. Mrs. Bruce will teach math and science, and Mrs. Singleton will teach language arts, spelling, and social studies. Students will change classes at 8:30, then swap back for the second rotation at lunchtime. We are really excited about this new adventure for your children, and we look forward to working together as a team to better educate them!
Class Schedule 8:00 Morning Activities 8:30 Block One 11:00 Block Two 11:05 Lunch 11:40 Block Two 1:40 Snack 2:00 PE 2:45 Wrap Up 3:00 Dismissal
Grades Students will receive letter grades A, B, C, D, or F in Language Arts, Spelling, and Math. Students will receive S, N, or U in all other subjects (Satisfactory, Needs to Improve, or Unsatisfactory).
Curriculum Reading – Wonders Reading Math – Engage NY Social Studies –Liberty’s Legacy Science – AMSTI Our students will be taught in accordance with the Alabama College and Career Ready State Standards.
Accelerated Reader This program is designed to promote a love of reading and emphasize comprehension. Children learn their reading ranges and take quizzes on their own levels on line. To meet their goals, children need to keep an 85% average on tests. Your job is to encourage them to read, and to question them about the books they have read. Students must take AR tests at school between 7:45 and 3:00. You can keep up with their progress on line from home.
Wednesday Folders Students will bring home a folder each Wednesday night. Review the work for the week, but return the graded papers and anything else in the “Return to School” side. Observe conduct grade for the week. Sign and return the folder on Thursday. (Please do not sign ahead, but only for the present week so we know you actually looked at the papers.)
Please check the homework folder each night. Your child may need help at times. After your child finishes his/her homework, please check the work and have him/her correct mistakes. Then please check it again. This will help your child understand subject matter and help you know what we’re working on in school.
Conduct In both classes, a colored chart is used to monitor behavior. Students either change their clip (Bruce) or their color card (Singleton). Students are also able to clip/flip up when they make good choices and exhibit exemplary behavior. The “color” that they land on at the end of the day will be recorded and deducted from the weekly conduct grade (100). Conduct points are calculated Monday through Friday and reported in the following Wednesday folder. For each color below purple/green, 5 points will be deducted from the weekly grade.
Corporal Punishment If you do not want your child paddled in office for misconduct, please submit a letter to Mr. Retherford in writing. If a problem should arise, Mr. Retherford will decide on a different course of action.
Good Behavior Students who show exemplary behavior may get a treat from the teacher. Students with an “A” (90 or above) for the week get a prize and Fun Friday time.
Money Snack money and lunch money go into separate accounts. Lunch money is paid in the lunchroom and snack money is paid in the classroom. Please put money into an envelope or Ziploc bag prior to sending it in so that I know what it is to be used for. Please pay for snack on Monday if possible.
You may also request a conference at any time. Conferences We will have a conference as needed throughout the year. In some cases, we will need to meet several times. Please always check your child’s folders for conference requests. You may also request a conference at any time.
Reminders Please leave a light sweater or jacket at school for your child in the classroom. Please remember to return all folders and homework each day. Don’t forget to return all of the paperwork in the manila folder as soon as possible.
Wish List Copy Paper Germ-X, Kleenex Paper Towels Zip-Lock Bags (any size) Gently used small toys for prize box Candy for prizes Clorox or Lysol Wipes HP Ink (49A or 74/75--Bruce) Brother Toner Cartridge HL-2140 (Singleton)
Stay In Touch… *Call us at school: 347-5383. *Send me a note in your child’s folder/binder. *Look for weekly assignments in homework folder/binder. *Check out our class web pages. *E-mail us at:
Describe any fields trips you plan on taking throughout the year.
They’ll receive a welcome text from Remind. @edbg2h to 81010 They’ll receive a welcome text from Remind.
Help! Would you like to volunteer? We would love to have your help. Please just let us know what days you are available and we will look forward to your help! You can help by: cutting, sorting, filing, copying papers, reading with students, practicing math facts. The list could go on and on!
Thanks for coming! We hope this evening has been informative for you! Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns about behavior, homework, grades, etc!! We look forward to working with you and making this the best year yet!