Localization & Best Practices for Linking to Content in GALILEO Georgia Libraries Conference October 6, 2017 Mike White, GALILEO Support Services
Overview GALILEO Local Resource Integration (GLRI) Express Links Consumer Reports Widget Persistent Linking Customizing Discovery
GALILEO Local Resource Integration (GLRI)
Entire library system or school system must have access! GLRI in Databases A-Z Entire library system or school system must have access!
Managing GLRI GALILEO can manage GLRI for you, if you have local resources you’d like to add to the GALILEO database list, please submit a comment through the Contact Us form. Your library can also manage your own GLRI. This requires a GLRI account and a one-on-one training be scheduled with GALILEO staff. If you’re interested in managing your own GLRI, please submit a comment through the Contact Us form.
GLRI Back-end: Create From Scratch
GLRI Back-end: Copy From Existing Record
GLRI Back-end: General Tab
GLRI Back-end: Access Tab
GLRI Back-end: Scope & Branding Tab
GLRI Back-end: Categories Tab
GLRI Back-end: Notes Tab
GLRI Back-end: Images Tab
Express Links
Express Links: Where do I find them?
Express Links: Examples - Athens Regional
Adding GALILEO Search Box to Your Webpage
Consumer Reports Widget
Consumer Reports Widget (All) Request your library’s unique codes by submitting a comment, if you’re interested in adding the CR Widget to your page.
Persistent Linking
Persistent Linking: Example EBSCO ProQuest
Customizing Discovery
LearningExpress Library Placards (GPLS & TCSG) Searching “SAT” displays placard for College Preparation Center Searching for “photoshop” displays placard for Computer Skills Center
Libguides v2 Placard (Anyone with Libguides v2)
Coming Soon! - Mango Languages Placard! (GPLS) Searching “speak Spanish” displays placard Mango Languages
Custom Catalogs: Custom Catalog
Local Resources in EDS
Library chat widget Add Widges to EDS Films on Demand widget
Move AP Videos