Region 9 AVID Site Team Plan 2011-2012 Site Team Members Ryan Dickes, 8th Grade AVID Elective Teacher, Language Arts/History Nicole Kempi-Scarlett, 7th Grade AVID Elective Teacher, Mathematics/Science Holly Black, 8th Grade Language Arts/History Carmen Martinez-Rivera, 7th Grade Language Arts/History Crystal Henry, 7th Grade Language Arts/History Lupita Garcia, counselor District: San Ysidro School District School: Ocean View Hills School Site Coordinator: Ryan Dickes Administrator: Matthew Paredes, Neil Egasini 1st Draft Date: August 8, 2012 Revised Draft Date: Support Needs: Time for collaboration. 1
Essential # 5 Indicator # 5 Current AVID CSS Level of Use: Level 2 Essential # 5 Indicator # 5 Current AVID CSS Level of Use: Level 2. What CSS Level would you like to achieve? Level 3 Critical Question: What common critical reading strategies can ALL teachers practice in all core academic courses? Objective: Students in the AVID elective class receive instruction in reading-to-learn activities. The activities are part of a year-long vertically aligned instructional plan, and students use the reading-to-learn activities in all core academic courses. Assessment: Student samples shared at AVID monthly site team meetings. 2
Action Item A: SAY/DO activities Action Item A: SAY/DO activities. Topics to address: Reading material content? Expenditures: None. Staff to be involved: AVID Site Team Potential Obstacles: Staff not being open to new pedagogies. Responsibilities: AVID Site Team Timeline: Monthly Action Item B: Five sentence summaries. Topics to address: What does each summary look like (template) for each content class? Expenditures: None. Potential Obstacles: Pedagogical mindframes to keep past routines in place and not allow new changes. Responsibilities: AVID Site Team Timeline: Monthly 3
Essential # 11 2 Indicator # 7 Current AVID CSS Level of Use: 1 What CSS Level would you like to achieve? 3 Critical Question: How can we provide professional development to share best practices to be effective during the instructional day? Objective: Professional development on AVID methodologies is part of the school/district professional development plan. AVID site team members train others in the school improvement process and are school leaders sitting on key site/district committees. Assessment: Copy of the sign in sheet and documents used at the training. 4
Action Item A: Vertical planning, expectations, and lessons with 7th and 8th grade teachers related to the rhetorical approach. Topics to address: To provide planning and lesson time Expenditures: Substitute or prep time pay. Staff to be involved: AVID Site Team. Potential Obstacles: No time given to collaborate. Responsibilities: AVID Site Team Timeline: Ongoing. Action Item B: Vertical planning, expectations, and lessons with our main feeder high school (SYHS) related to the rhetorical approach. Topics to address: To get students college ready by providing rigorous instruction related to the rhetorical approach. Expenditures: Staff planning time using substitutes Staff to be involved: AVID Site Team, SYHS Potential Obstacles: No money or time allocated to collaboration. 5
Long Term Planning Resource Goal: Year 2013-2014 Focus Area: Continue vertical collaboration related to the rhetorical approach with San Ysidro High School. Action: To organize dates and times with high school staff. Timeline: Spring 2013 Assessment: Needs to be created. 6
Action Item C: … Topics to address: … Expenditures: … Staff to be involved: … Potential Obstacles: … Responsibilities: … Timeline: …