Nutrients Chapter 5. lesson 2
Objectives Describe the function of the six basic nutrients in maintaining health. Demonstrate knowledge of nutrients in a variety of foods. Analyze the relationship between good nutrition and disease prevention.
#LousyLabels School Lunches Around the World
Nutrients 6 classes of nutrients Carbs Proteins Fats Vitamins Minerals Water 40 different types of nutrients that your body needs from those 6 classes.
Carbohydrates “Carbs” (55- 60% Daily intake) Starches and sugars present in foods. Made up of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen Preferred body source of energy (mainly complex carbs) Two types: Simple: “sugars” such as fructose, sucrose, and lactose (found in fruit and milk). Sucrose is naturally found in plants, and is refined to make table sugar. Complex: “starches” found in whole grains, seeds, nuts, legumes. Body has to break down into simple carbs before you can use them. Body converts all carbs to glucose, “simple sugar”. Not used right away is stored in the liver and muscles as starch-like substance glycogen, “complex sugar.” When needed, your body converts the glycogen back to glucose. At this time, the body converts and stores excess as body fat. Fiber: indigestible complex carb that is found in plants/root vegetables/ fruits/whole grains Can’t be digested and used as energy, but helps move waste through the digestive system, to help prevent problems. Constipation Heart Disease Diabetes
Proteins (10-15% Daily Intake) Build and maintain body cells and tissues. Contains nitrogen. Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. 4 calories per gram. Excess is converted to fat. Amino Acids: 20 chemical substances help break down proteins in the body . Body makes all amino acids, but 9. Essential Amino Acids: the 9 amino acids that must come from your diet and food sources, your body cannot make these. Classified into 2 groups: Complete: contain adequate amounts of all 9 Essential Amino Acids. EX: Animal Products Incomplete: lack one or more of the Essential Amino Acids. EX: Beans, Nuts, Peas, Whole Grains. “Plant Product's”
Fats (20-30 Daily Intake) 9 calories per gram Type of lipid: fatty substance that does not dissolve in water. Building blocks of fats are called: fatty acids Fatty acids the body needs, but cannot produce is called: Essential Fatty Acids Saturated: “BAD: contain as much hydrogen as possible (solid @ room temp.) Unsaturated: “GOOD” contain less hydrogen (liquid @ room temp.) Two Types: Monounsaturated: (found in Olive and Canola Oil) Polyunsaturated: (found in Safflower and Corn Oil) This reduces heart disease Fats provide more than twice the energy of carbs or proteins. Too much can lead to a risk of heart disease. Transports vitamins A,D,E, K into our blood as source of linoleic acid as needed for growth and healthy skin. Cholesterol : waxy fat like substance that circulates in blood. High cholesterol may be inherited, and it rises as people age. People can eat a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol to reduce heart disease. LDL: “Lipoproteins” bad cholesterol tends to build up in arteries. HDL: “High Density Lipoproteins” good cholesterol it helps prevent build up in blood vessels.
Vitamins Compounds that help regulate many vital body processes, including the digestion, absorption, metabolism of other nutrients. Classified as: Water Soluble: dissolve in water and pass easily into the blood digestion Body doesn’t store these Fat Soluble: absorbed, stored, and transported in fat Excess buildup can be toxic to your body
Minerals Water substances that the body cannot manufacture, but that are needed for: forming healthy bones and teeth regulating many vital body processes. It transports other nutrients and carries wastes from our cells. It enables you to swallow and digest foods. Absorb other nutrients, and eliminates waste. Helps maintain body temperature.(sweat) Lubricates joints. Makes up 60% of body weight. Makes up 73% of body weight for infants. How much would you weigh if you discarded the 60% of water in your body??? Body Weight x.6 Drink 8-10 cups a day!
Detox: options