Information Session
OUR Mission “To assist all to discover sustainable solutions that will benefit society.”
The CUNA Mutual Group, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee 2018 Idea Competition Objective To stimulate constructive thought surrounding the concepts of innovation and discovery. Sponsors The CUNA Mutual Group, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Eligibility The competition is open to all current participating undergraduate students.
Corporate Sponsors “For more than 75 years, CUNA Mutual Group has worked tirelessly to deliver product and service solutions that meet the unique challenges and needs of credit unions and their members. CUNA’s vision is unwavering: to be a trusted business partner who delivers service excellence with customer-focused, best-in-class products and market-driven innovation.”
CUNA Mutual Group - Purpose Our Purpose – To become the trusted insurance & investment partner, empowering hardworking Americans to achieve financial security. We help hardworking Americans strengthen their financial future—for themselves and their loved ones. Always working in the best interest of our valued customers, we help protect, invest and plan for a healthy future. Trusted to act in the best interest of our Credit Unions & their Members. Mutual company not stock driven.
900 Billion Dollars in Assets Financial Strength The CUNA Mutual Group insures more than 900 Billion Dollars in Assets
Background Credit unions are financial co-operatives set up, owned and controlled by members. Credit unions are non-for-profit organizations that exist to service their members. Similar to banks, credit unions provide a variety of financial services including accepting deposits, checking and saving accounts and providing loans.
and marketing solutions. Problem Statement Create a consumer centered credit union geared toward multiracial, multicultural and multigenerational consumers. Please concentrate your response on the role of credit unions in the provision of your proposed products and marketing solutions.
In your response Please include the following: Describe the unique products and services that your credit union would provide; Your marketing strategy to connect with new consumers; and Describe your strategy to ensure that your multiracial and multigenerational consumers could be on the path toward financial security. The difference between banks and credit unions
Related Research Search… For more resources, please visit… Credit Union National Association CUNA Mutual Group National Credit Union Foundation Pew Charitable Trust: Portrait on Financial Security Center for Financial Services Innovation Filene Research Institute For more resources, please visit…
What to Prepare Who’s judging? Format of Submission All eligible entries will be judged by a panel of qualified individuals representing both the public and private sectors. Format of Submission Essay Three Important Judging Criteria Clarity in stating the idea or solution to resolve the problem. The innovative or original nature of the idea or solution. The extent to which the idea provides a solution to the problem.
Entry Submission How? Submission Deadline Submit your idea by completing registration along with including your idea. Registration is mandatory for submission. Submission Deadline March 16th
Prizes will be rewarded to the top 5 contest entries. Local Competition Prizes will be rewarded to the top 5 contest entries. 1st Place - $1000 USD 2nd Place - $750USD 3rd Place - $500 USD 4th Place - $250 USD 5th Place - $100 USD
Prizes will be rewarded to the top 6 contest entries. National Competition Prizes will be rewarded to the top 6 contest entries. 1st Place - $5000 USD 2nd Place - $2500 USD 3rd Place - $1500 USD 4th Place - $1000 USD 5th Place - $500 USD 6th Place - $250 USD
Online Submission Begins Timeline Online Submission Begins December 1th Submission Deadline March 16th Finalist Notified March 21st Live Competition March 27th National Competition April 25 – 27
Important Rules Participants must be full undergraduate students of UW Milwaukee. Individuals or teams may enter competition. All eligible entry ideas must be strictly original to the competition.
Tips for Students