West Valley Demonstration Project Status Update Scott Anderson Deputy General Manager January 30, 2018
Agenda Who We Are Site Background Agency Responsibilities Project Scope Current Status Accomplishments/Look Ahead Issues/Challenges
Who we are CHBWV Team – 312 Employees and Subcontractors The CHBWV team is comprised of CH2M HILL, BWX Technologies, Inc. and Environmental Chemical Corporation (ECC). The project is conducted by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) in cooperation with the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA). The West Valley Demonstration Project is an environmental cleanup and waste management project located about 35 miles south of Buffalo. CHBWV Team – 312 Employees and Subcontractors 123 - Salaried 90 - International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Lodge 2401 96 - Subcontractors ($224M is subcontracted, of that 55% is awarded to Small Business)
Background 1966-1972 – Spent fuel reprocessing resulted in 600,000 gallons of liquid high-level waste. Plant shut down for modifications; operations never resumed. 1962 – Nuclear Fuels Services constructed the first commercial nuclear fuel reprocessing plant in the United States at West Valley. 1980 – President Jimmy Carter signs the West Valley Demonstration Project Act. 1996-2002 – HLW vitrification is conducted at the WVDP, resulting in 275 canisters of vitrified HLW. 2011 – CH2M HILL BWXT West Valley was awarded WVDP Phase I Decommissioning Facility Disposition Contract for WVDP
Agency Responsibilities New York State Energy Research Development Authority (NYSERDA) owns the WVDP premises and the surrounding 3,345 acres Western New York Nuclear Service Center (WNYNSC) Includes the State-Licensed Disposal Area (SDA) and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission-Licensed Disposal Area (NDA) DOE manages 200 acre portion of WNYNSC under the WVDP Act Solidify High Level Waste (HLW) Develop containers for disposal of HLW Transport HLW to federal repository for disposal Dispose low-level waste and transuranic waste resulting from HLW solidification program Facility decontamination and decommissioning U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) prescribed WVDP decommissioning criteria Consistent with decommissioning criteria under NRC’s license that is held in abeyance by NYSERDA
CHBWV Contract Scope Milestone 1 Complete relocation of 275 HLW canisters and 3 non-conforming HLW canisters to long-term interim storage Milestone 2 Process, Ship, and Dispose of all Legacy Waste with Pathway for Disposal Milestone 3 Demolition and Removal of Main Process Plant Building and the Vitrification Facility Milestone 4 Complete All Work in Performance Work Statement, including Balance of Site Facilities, Surveillance and Maintenance, and Site Operations
Contract Milestone Status MS-1 – Relocating Last HLW Cask MILESTONE BASELINE DATE CURRENT STATUS DATE MS-1 RELOCATE HLW 12-Mar-2018 Completed 13-Feb-2017 MS-2 LEGACY WASTE 2-Apr-2019 25-Sept-2018 MS-3 MPPB/VIT 17-Mar-2020 31-Dec-2019 MS-4 COMPLETE PROJECT MS-2 – Legacy Waste Disposition MS-3 – Facility Demolition MS-4 – Balance of Site
Accomplishments and Look Ahead Milestone 1 – Relocate High Level Waste Accomplishments 56 of 56 casks complete (100%) 392 days early! Equipment to be reused at Hanford (CHPRC) Milestone 2 – Legacy Waste Disposition 143,626 ft3 of 165,515 ft3 legacy low level waste disposal complete (86%) 241 of 241 non-HLW drums relocated (100%) Resumed repackaging contact handled legacy waste in the Container Sorting and Packaging Facility and the Waste Processing Area and remote handled waste in the Remote Handled Waste Facility Look Ahead Continue processing and shipment of legacy waste HLW Storage Pad Legacy Waste Processing
Accomplishments and Look Ahead (cont.) Milestone 3 – Demolition and Removal of Main Plant Process Building and Vitrification Facility Accomplishments Main Plant deactivation – 80% complete Vitrification Facility demolition began September 2017 – 47% complete Look Ahead Complete Vitrification Facility demolition – Spring 2018 Complete MPPB deactivation Begin MPPB demolition – September 2018 Milestone 4 – Completion of Performance Work Statement (Balance of Site Facility Demolition) 19 of 47 site facilities demolished (40%) Initiated infrastructure and utility system reroutes (electrical, gas, air, water, Information Technology) Continue infrastructure improvements and utility system reroutes to position site for future D&D Forecast completion – March 2020 Demolition of Vitrification Cell New Communication Systems Hub
EnergySolutions’ Role in West Valley Decommissioning Transportation Assets Logistics Transload Rail Disposal Assets Intermodal at West Valley Ready for Shipment to Alaron Gondola at Alaron Ready for Shipment
Issues/Challenges Funding under Continuing Resolution Open air demolition of highly contaminated Main Plant hot cells Aging/failing infrastructure – rail, natural gas, electrical, surface water management features