Bellwork—Thursday 6. Mary and John usually (plays/play) together. Everyone (has/have) done his or her homework. Each of the students (is/are) responsible for doing his or her work. Either my father or my brothers (is/are) going to sell the car. Neither my sisters nor my mother (is/are) going to sell the house. The samples on the tray in the lab (need/needs) testing. 6. Mary and John usually (plays/play) together. 7. Both of the dogs (has/have) collars. 8. Neither the dogs nor the cat (is/are) very hungry. 9. Either the girls or the boy (walk/walks) in the evening. 10. Either the boy or the girls (walk/walks) in the evening.
Bellwork—Friday FILL IN THE BLANKS BELOW. Singular _________ take singular __________, and singular ___________ end in ___________. How do you decide if you need a singular or plural verb when you have a compound subject joined by “or” or “nor”? What do plural verbs end with?
Characterization in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar English 10
Objectives Students will analyze how an author reveals information about the characters in a text.
Direct & Indirect Characterization WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE?
Direct Characterization DEFINITION: writer TELLS the audience the personality of a character; the description actually is IN THE TEXT. Real Life Example: Dating Websites and Obituaries
Indirect Characterization DEFINITION: writer SHOWS the audience the personality of a character; the description may be implied* but NOT STATED, so the reader must infer* STEAL Method: What the character SAYS and THINKS, his or her EFFECTS on others, and his or her ACTIONS and LOOKS. KTLK_jF51Q665KfNWMyD0VjxtuH
Activity…Let’s Pair Up! You are going to work with a partner to complete the activity I am about to pass out! For this assignment, you must think about Julius Caesar in its entirety and decide HOW you learn about the characters. Follow the directions on the worksheet and let Mrs. Thomas or Coach Smith know if you need assistance! WORK TOGETHER! TREAT EVERYBODY LIKE IT’S THEIR BIRTHDAY! BE KIND!
REFINE YOUR WORK… Make sure you do not have the same character in each box. Make sure you did not merely summarize your quotes, but that your EXPLAINED what you learned about the character from the quotes. HINT: Indirect characterization requires that you make INFERENCES. What do you INFER from the quote?
EXIT TICKET Use a sticky note to answer the following question: Which method of characterization do you think Shakespeare used most effectively in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar? EXPLAIN USING DETAILS FROM THE TEXT! DON’T FORGET TO PUT YOUR NAME ON IT! PLACE FINISHED WORK ON THE CITYSCAPE POSTER BEFORE YOU LEAVE!