Fungi Biology.


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Presentation transcript:

Fungi Biology

Overview of Fungi Eukaryotic Nonphotosynthetic organisms Unicellular or multicellular in form Most important decomposers of organic matter Obtain nutrients by secreting enzymes and absorbing simple organic molecules from their environment

Structure of fungi Made up of short filaments called hyphae. Mats of hyphae are called mycelium Some have partitions called septa in their hyphae, making individual cells Cell walls contain chitin Reproduce both asexually and sexually Most hyphae cells have multiple nuclei

Common characteristics of fungi Play

Classification of Fungi Mushrooms=sexual reproductive structures called basidiocarps Sac fungi=cup shaped Yeast=used in brewing, baking and genetic engineering Mycorrihizae are symbiotic between plant roots and a fungus. The fungus provides certain ions and other nutrients to the plant and in turn, the fungus gets sugars. Lichens (symbiotic) between fungi and photosynthetic organisms such as cyanobacteria or green algae.

Fungi and Humans Can cause disease in humans when inhale airborne spores when they eat food contaminated by toxic fungi, when toxic fungi come in contact with skin, or when they accidentally eat poisonous mushrooms. Are used in the production of vitamin B, ortisone, penicillin and other antibiotics and some genetically engineered drugs. Used in the production of cheeses, bread, beer, wines, and soy products.

Fungi structure






Fungi Animation of life cycle of fungi