Muon Acceleration using 8 GeV Proton Driver Linac Test NuFact05 Muon Acceleration using 8 GeV Proton Driver Linac Milorad Popovic Rome, Italy, 24-June-05 M. Popovic
Study II, Cost Estimates M. Popovic
Paper from Linac2000 XX International Linac Conference, Monterey, California 2GeV SUPERCONDUCTING MUON LINAC Milorad Popovic Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Batavia, IL 60510, USA Abstract A muon collider as well as a neutrino factory requires a large number of muons with a kinetic energy of 50GeV or more. Muon survival demands a high gradient linac. The large transverse and longitudinal emittance of the muon beam coming from a muon cooling system implies the need for a large acceptance, acceleration system. These two requirements point clearly to a linac based on superconducting technology. The design of a 2GeV Superconducting muon Linac based on computer programs developed at LANL will be presented. The design is based on the technology available today or components that will be available in the very near future. M. Popovic
B. Foster’s Numbers Total:Proton Linac, 8GeV $361M M. Popovic
The Baseline Mission: 8 GeV H- Injection and Super Beams in the Main Injector Neutrino “Super- Beams” NUMI Off- Axis SY-120 Fixed-Target 8 GeV neutrino ~ 700m Active Length 8 GeV Linac Main Injector @2 MW M. Popovic
Linac 1300 MHz β=1 8 Klystrons 288 Cavities in 36 Cryomodules β=1 Modulator 36 Cavites / Klystron 8 Klystrons 288 Cavities in 36 Cryomodules 1300 MHz β=1 10 MW TESLA Klystrons M. Popovic
One Cryo Module M. Popovic
Transverse Emittance Study II, Transverse Beam Emittance, 3mm, 1s, Normalized 3000 mm-mrad Beam size; 200mrad, 10mm, 1s @ 200MeV/c Muons Inc, Transverse Beam Emittance, 3 mm-mrad, 2s, Normalized Beam size; 2mrad, 1mm, 2s @ 200MeV/c For the Cryo module as it is now, 12meters, 1.3GHz This is really acceptance of the channel, emittance should be specified after energy is known. M. Popovic
Two Design Points for 8 GeV Linac Initial: 0.5 MW Linac Beam Power (BASELINE) 8.3 mA x 3 msec x 2.5 Hz x 8 GeV = 0.5 MW Twelve Klystrons Required Ultimate: 2 MW Linac Beam Power 25 mA x 1 msec x 10 Hz x 8 GeV = 2.0 MW 33 Klystrons Required Either Option Supports: 1.5E14 protons/pulse Using Main Injector or Recycler as storage ring Assuming 1% Muon collection, there will be 25mA 10 uS Muon pulse that 7 GeV Linac can accelerate M. Popovic
8 GeV Linac Neutrino “Super- Beams” X-RAY FEL LAB Neutrino Target 8 GeV Superconducting Linac With X-Ray FEL, 8 GeV Neutrino & Spallation Sources, LC and Neutrino Factory Damping Rings for TESLA @ FNAL With 8 GeV e+ Preacc. 1% LC Systems Test VLHC at Fermilab Neutrino “Super- Beams” NUMI Off- Axis SY-120 Fixed-Target X-RAY FEL LAB Anti- Proton 8 GeV neutrino ~ 700m Active Length 8 GeV Linac Main Injector @2 MW Neutrino Target Neutrinos to “Homestake” Bunching Ring Recirculating Linac for Neutrino Factory & Long-Pulse Spallation Source? Target and Muon Cooling Channel Short Baseline Detector Array M. Popovic
Pillbox Cavity U_bunch[Joul]=5l[m]*Eo[MV/m]*Nb[1010]*10-4 M. Popovic
Extra M. Popovic
Extra M. Popovic
Extra M. Popovic