TUBOLAR PREHEATER Tubolar juice preheater designed for the treatment of juices and nectar and concentrated product Thermal cycle 10-55°C The machine is composed of: 1 section tube (n° tubes depending on the capacity) frame in stainless steel AISI 304 pipe connections for various fluids in stainless steel heated water line complete with plate heat exchanger expansion tank, centrifugal pump, manometer Instruments to record the temperature at the exit System to adjust the thermal fluid temperature 3 ways valve to divert the product in case of low temperature necessary electro-pneumatical transducers Pneumatic valve to adjust steam in hot water production PT 100 probes for temperature measurement Air reducing equipment for compressed air. Electrical control board. Consumption’s: depends on the capacity TECMON S.R.L. P.IVA 00791710965 VIA LEONARDO DA VINCI, 11/B COD.FISC. 04821200153 20060 CASSINA DE’ PECCHI (MI) TEL. +39 0295299106 CAP. SOC. € 83.000,00 INT. VERS. FAX +39 0295299315 ISCR. TRIB. DI MONZA REG. SOC. 17929 E-MAIL : tecmon@tin.it C.C.I.A.A. MONZA E BRIANZA 1041916 E-MAIL : info@tecmon.it http:// www.tecmon.it