Welcome Information Session for Parents and Career Practitioners


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome Information Session for Parents and Career Practitioners Supporting Young People with Additional Needs

Welcome and Introductions My name is Samantha Hewitson I am the Education Engagement Coordinator for the BGK LLEN General Housekeeping What we hope you get out of tonight's information session Questions and Answers

Tonight’s Agenda: Welcome and Introductions - Apology from Sandybeach Centre Presentations with time for Q&As by: 1) Linda and Claire – BSL 2) Sally Baily – NDCO 3) Renee Kolb – Holmesglen Break and resource table (15 mins) 4) Alan Walker and Peter Kent – Endeavour Foundation 5) Karen McGeary – SkillsPlus Closing and Resource Table

The BGK LLEN Committed to improving employment outcomes and career pathways for young people with disability. BGK stands for Bayside, Glen Eira and Kingston Local Council Areas LLEN stands for Local Learning and Employment Network There are 31 LLENs in Victoria BGK LLEN is an incorporated organisation Takes on contracts and funding that allows us to support young people in our community through strategic partnership brokering Our LLEN contract is through the Vulnerable Children’s Branch at the Department of Education and Training. This allows us to work with schools and community to identify and support disengaging or disengaged young people Website address: www.bgkllen.org.au Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/bgkllen/

BGK LLENs Current Work Relating to Young People with Additional Needs Hands Up! The Hands Up! volunteering program creates opportunities within local community organisations for students to undertake individual and group volunteering. Students participating in Hands Up! are between the age of 15 -25years and have a recognised Learning Difference (e.g. Dyslexia, Autism, Severe Language Learning Disorder, intellectual disability). The aim of the Hands Up! program is to increase volunteer opportunities available to young people with a Learning Difference but also build the capacity of organisations to connect and engage with local young people.

BGK LLENs Current Work Relating to Young People with Additional Needs Ticket to Work What is a Ticket to Work Network? Ticket to Work is an Australia Wide initiative coordinated by a National Manager. Local Ticket to Work Networks bring relevant stakeholders together to: Source work experience/volunteering/employment opportunities for local young people with disability Develop or assist with work readiness programs Promote education/training opportunities to people with a disability Raise awareness of the current issues facing young people with a disability in their career pathways and other areas

BGK LLENs Current Work Relating to Young People with Additional Needs Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) What is SWL? SWL is the on-the-job training component of a students Vocational Education and Training (VET) course, undertaken during their secondary schooling. The BGKLLEN: This program is available for students with additional needs undertaking VET courses. Work with schools to identify students requiring placements, and support schools to take up local opportunities Source local opportunities in a range of industries Work with local businesses to support them to host student placements

Hand Outs and Resources Put Together and Sourced By BGK LLEN For Tonight List of various programs and supports relating to employment, socialisation etc. Further Education and Employment Options NDIS information Employer and Student Briefing Form Autism employment Forum Gecko Hangouts Presenters have also provided resources and business cards