A national review of support for children and young people with SLCN


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Presentation transcript:

A national review of support for children and young people with SLCN Bercow: Ten Years On A national review of support for children and young people with SLCN

The plan A bit of context and background Evidence: what the review found Taking action: what we are recommending, calls to action Your thoughts: Where is your school? What will make things happen? JG

10 years ago

Speech, language and communication needs Info graphics to use Speech, language and communication needs

SLCN: the golden thread Almost every child with special education needs or a disability has a communication difficulty. SLCN is the most prevalent primary need for pupils with SEN in state funded primary schools

SLCN: the golden thread SLCN cuts across labels and diagnoses Autism and SLCN Learning Disability and SLCN Social, Emotional and Mental Health Issues and SLCN ADHD and SLCN Dyslexia and SLCN

Speech, language communication: a higher profile Ofsted EY report: Bold Beginnings ‘The headteachers prioritised language and literacy as the cornerstones of learning. They ensured that sufficient time was given to developing children’s spoken language ...’ Reception baseline assessment The new assessment should “include an age-appropriate assessment of communication, language and literacy....”

Ten years ago..... Communication is Crucial Early identification and intervention Continuum of services designed around the family Joint working is crucial High variability, lack of equity Better Communication Action Plan Communication Champion for children and young people Communication Council Better Communication Research Programme National Year of Communication – Hello!

Bercow: Ten Years On #Bercow10Years A review of the state of provision for children’s speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) in England. Evidence gathering Recommendations Report Influence and inform January 2017 March 2018 Bercow10@ican.org.uk #Bercow10Years

Oral evidence sessions The evidence Oral evidence sessions Deep dives exercise 2475 survey responses Oral evidence As you heard at the last meeting these have been providing the opportunity for us to hear evidence from those on the ground – latest research and examples of good practice, plus the challenges that people are facing. These have been transcribed and the transcriptions are available on the Bercow website. Our final session on Monday enabled us to hear evidence on the issue of SLC and social disadvantage but also marked the beginning of our influencing work – this was a more outward facing event and was attended by a pleasing range of organisations keen to engage with the issue – for example AfA, Save the Children, Springboard, EIF, PHE, Right to Succeed, Education Policy Institute Deep dive activity We have appointed Anne Ayre as a facilitator of our Deep Dives. The purpose of these will be to: Identify the root cause of some of the issues Find out what the issues look like ‘on the ground’ Test out potential solutions and recommendations This work will take place over September/October. Following the useful activity we undertook at the last DMP we identified three areas that we have invited to work with us – N Lincolnshire, Bexley and Brighton Children and young people focus groups: These are planned for Sept/Oct with an aim of seeking the views of an additional 40 young people to take our total to 100. We are commissioning someone to run these in a range of mainstream primary and secondary, special primary and secondary and specialist resource settings. A brief for the commissioned person and activity plan has been developed with the support of Sue Roulstone and will be put out this week. Children and young people focus groups

Context Ten years on...... Change and reorganisation Challenging financial situation.... .....impact on joint working .....stiff competition .....KPIs Mis-matched boundaries Commissioning landscape

in knowledge, attitude, behaviour What has happened? 48% expertise good/ excellent 30% expertise good/ excellent in knowledge, attitude, behaviour ChChange Cchange in attitude 2014 2012

Evidence - themes School support Wider workforce Early identification and intervention Commissioning Wider workforce Speech and language therapy workforce Evidence and data Raising awareness Service models

Recommendations Draft recommendations Deep Dive Data analysis – identify key themes supported by findings Draft recommendations Deep Dive Additional ‘testing out’ I CAN’s Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator and the Bercow operational team have done extensive work analysing the data that has been gathered across the range of methods. The first stage involved thematic analysis which identified key themes emerging. These were consistent across all sources, so the second stage involved compiling evidence against a framework which included, key statistics, identified issues, examples and impact of good and poor practice with solutions: ‘what works well’, and ‘even better if’. From this analysis the process for moving towards recommendations was started. A series of draft recommendations was recently presented to the Decision Making Panel for refinement. Following this a Deep Dive exercise is being carried out in three areas: Bexley, N Yorkshire and Brighton. The purpose will be to test out recommendations, and to identify root causes of identified issues. A facilitator, Anne Ayre, has been appointed to carry out this work and the findings will inform the final draft of the recommendations. Further testing out of the recommendations has taken place or will take place via a number of routes - through a series of engagement events and meetings including RCSLT conference, internal I CAN meetings, the communication consortium and Dawn House Pupil Participation conference. There will then be further refinement of the recommendations, feeding into the first draft of the report due mid November.

Key features of effective practice √ or x Knowing what SLCN support pupils feel makes a difference A lead in school for speech, language and communication A cross school policy for pupils’ speech, language and communication Jointly commission SLCN support (e.g. Through schools forum) Speech and language therapist is part of school team Know the impact of SLCN interventions A three wave model of support for pupils’ SLCN All staff know how to identify and support pupils with SLCN

Recommendations Tracking pupils’ spoken language A definition of ‘good progress’ for spoken language School data analysis and reporting takes account of red flags for SLCN

Tip of the iceberg... report calls to action collateral Influencing

Thank you mhartshorne@ican.org.uk