The Message Is Clear Workplace Skills: Communication Essential Questions How do we affect others with our listening skills? What can we do as individuals to improve our speaking and listening skills? How can we use our speaking ability to influence others?
The Message Is Clear Workplace Skills: Communication Students will understand… Preparing for presentations results in more effective presentations. Effectively communicated messages include the same key components. POWERR formula components can be applied to a variety of communication forms.
The Message Is Clear Workplace Skills: Communication Students will know… The components of the POWERR formula. Effective speaking and listening skills.
The Message Is Clear Workplace Skills: Communication Students will be able to… List and explain the POWERR formula components. Explain the icons associated with the POWERR formula. Develop a POWERRful presentation. Deliver a POWERRful presentation. Listen actively to a presentation.
Workplace Skills: Communication Describe, using specific examples, the most and least effective presentations you have seen.
Workplace Skills: Communication Objectives: List and explain the POWERR formula components. Explain the icons associated with the POWERR formula. Develop a POWERRful presentation. Deliver a POWERRful presentation. Listen actively to a presentation.
Workplace Skills: Communication What information stands out to you from the reading? What did you already know about the information? What information was new to you? What information is unclear? What do you understand really well from the reading?
Workplace Skills: Communication Penzu
Workplace Skills: Communication GlogsterEDU
Workplace Skills: Communication POWERR (Development) Pre-Work Outlook Wisdom evidence key point action Engagement link review Review Reflection POEWRR (Delivery) Pre-Work Outlook Engagement link review Wisdom evidence key point action Review Reflection