Because Everyone Counts UNFPA engagement in the Population and Housing Censuses Gulnara Kadyrkulova, Programme Specialist on Population and Development 24-27 April, Tbilisi Georgia
UNECE countries by census method used in the 2000 and 2010 census rounds (UNECE 2014)
Use of technology in 2010 and planned for the 2020 census round (number of countries, UNECE 2014)
Median cost of 2010 census by type of census (in US dollars, UNECE 2014)
Barriers to adoption of new technology (number of countries) for 2020 round
UNFPA census 2020 strategy Provide census technical guidance; Advocate for high resolution geo-referenced census data Advocate for adoption of innovative census technologies & methodologies; Strengthen capacity for greater use and dissemination of census data; Leverage institutional partnerships; Mobilize resources for census.
TECHNICAL GUIDANCE AND SUPPORT Census technical guidance tools Census methodologies- data collection, processing, analysis, dissemination and utilization; Use of census data for SDG monitoring and reporting Census risk assessment & sensitivity analysis Census governance and quality assurance: Technical advisory boards International principles and recommendations for PHCs User consultations Post enumeration surveys
STRENGTHENING CAPACITY FOR UTILIZING CENSUS DATA Wider use of innovative methods for dissemination, display and visualizing census data Review of legislative frameworks to promote data sharing and utilization- micro data samples & geospatial data platforms Integration of geospatial population data with other high resolution geospatial datasets Mapping census data at lower geographic levels Integrating census & survey data for small area estimation (SAE) Population projections including sub-national level
NEW AND INNOVATIVE CENSUS TECHNOLOGIES AND METHODOLOGIES Greater use of GIS in census- to improve census quality and coverage: Digital cartography for census mapping Using high resolution satellite imagery of settlement patterns to verify EAs Monitoring enumeration in real time
NEW AND INNOVATIVE CENSUS TECHNOLOGIES AND METHODOLOGIES Advocate for appropriate technology for data collection – handheld devices; Promote long term development of administrative data systems & transition to register-based censuses; Revitalize & promote free and open census data dissemination platforms; Facilitate use of satellite imagery to estimate population in absence of census - hybrid census .
And finally, … Foster the data revolution and the global environment for data innovation. Advise on the development of national capacities to integrate Civil Registration and Vital Statistics, Administrative Records, optimize the statistical strategic development plan and define a long term financing mechanism for the sustainability of data investments. Develop national strategies for indicators 17.18 and 17.19 in order to built the statistical capacity to assure that EVERY-BODY Counts.
Thank you