Health care system in Germany All students need health insurance. Whether private or statutory was your choice! Prof. Dr. Max Mustermann | Name of Faculty
Private Medical Insurance (PMI) Invoice has to be paid by you initially Apply for reimbursement to PMI Wait for refund to be paid into account Pay attention to coverage. For example, are costs covered for pregnancy or psychotherapy? Do you have any pre-existing conditions? Price of insurance often differs In case of hospital stay, first of all clarify assumption of cost 12.11.2018 International Students Office (IStO) - Zulassung
Statutory Health Insurance Doctor sends bill to health insurance company Coverage is regulated by law Pre-existing conditions? – No problem! Uniform contribution for students Insurance card with picture Customer center on site No limitation due to contract Coverage by law 12.11.2018 International Students Office (IStO) Prof. Dr. Max Mustermann | Name of Faculty
In Germany In Europe The Insurance Card 12.11.2018 International Students Office (IStO) Prof. Dr. Max Mustermann | Musterfakultät
Where do I go when I am ill? Pain, a cold or a fever go to a medical practice first (In directory „gelbe Seiten“ (yellow pages) or online f.i. on The doctor then decides on which measures to take In emergencies, on weekends and at night go to the hospital! Emergency number: 112 12.11.2018 International Students Office (IStO)
In the pharmacy with red prescription usually 5 EUR per medication Co-payments In the pharmacy with red prescription usually 5 EUR per medication In hospital 10 EUR a day for a maximum of 28 days a year Possibility of reimbursement, so collect receipts 12.11.2018 International Students Office (IStO)
Payment of Contributions The contributions are to be paid for 1 semester in advance The health insurance companies also accept a monthly health insurance payment, usually as direct debit from your account What to do if there is not enough money in the account? Get in touch (phone, e-mail, or visit) We can suspend one month's payment and then debit double If no contribution is paid for 2 months and no discussion about payment in installments took place, then expulsion may occur, ending your enrollment! 12.11.2018 International Students Office (IStO)
Good Luck with your studies at kit! 12.11.2018 International Students Office