EVALUATOR ORIENTATION Serving on Off-Site and On-Site Committees OVERVIEW
TYPES OF COMMITTEES Reaffirmation Committee (Off-Site Review Committee or On-Site Review Committee) Reaffirmation Committee (Off-Site Review Committee or On-Site Review Committee) Substantive Change Committee Substantive Change Committee Special Committee Special Committee Candidacy Committee Candidacy Committee Accreditation Committee Accreditation Committee
INVITATIONS TO SERVE AS AN EVALUATOR Invitations Come From Commission Staff Member Invitations Come From Commission Staff Member Usually Invitations Are By Usually Invitations Are By Reply Promptly And Check For Conflict of Interest Because Declines Must Be Replaced As Quickly As Possible Reply Promptly And Check For Conflict of Interest Because Declines Must Be Replaced As Quickly As Possible Evaluators Are Selected from Evaluator Registry Evaluators Are Selected from Evaluator Registry
EVALUATOR REGISTRY Arranged by level, type institution, category Arranged by level, type institution, category Contains records of visits and ratings by chair and staff Contains records of visits and ratings by chair and staff Contains relevant comments concerning performance of committee members Contains relevant comments concerning performance of committee members
Helpful Information Handbook for Peer Evaluators Handbook for Peer Evaluators Modules which can be accessed at Modules which can be accessed at COC Staff and Committee Chairs COC Staff and Committee Chairs
Logistics of Visits Staff Member Sends Invitations Staff Member Sends Invitations Staff Sends Packets with Forms, Handbooks, Principles, Travel Information, Information Outline Form Staff Sends Packets with Forms, Handbooks, Principles, Travel Information, Information Outline Form Committee Member Arranges Travel and Submits Expense Voucher After the Visit for Expenses Committee Member Arranges Travel and Submits Expense Voucher After the Visit for Expenses
Logistics…….. Institution (for On-Site Review Committees and other types of committees) or Commission Staff (for Off-Site Review Committees meeting in Atlanta) Arranges for Accommodations and Provides Information Concerning Transportation To and From Airport Institution (for On-Site Review Committees and other types of committees) or Commission Staff (for Off-Site Review Committees meeting in Atlanta) Arranges for Accommodations and Provides Information Concerning Transportation To and From Airport Institution (for On-Site and others) Or Staff (for Off-Site) Seeks Information on Dietary Needs and Computer Needs (for On-Site) Institution (for On-Site and others) Or Staff (for Off-Site) Seeks Information on Dietary Needs and Computer Needs (for On-Site) Staff, Chair, and Institution Communicate with Evaluators Staff, Chair, and Institution Communicate with Evaluators
QUALITIES OF AN EFFECTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER Responds Promptly to Invitations Responds Promptly to Invitations Within Reason, for On-Site Review Is Considerate of Institution in Making Travel Plans and Providing Information Within Reason, for On-Site Review Is Considerate of Institution in Making Travel Plans and Providing Information Reviews Materials Thoroughly Before the Visit Reviews Materials Thoroughly Before the Visit
Qualities……. On Time for Meetings, Transportation On Time for Meetings, Transportation Has an Understanding of Best Practices in Higher Education in His/Her Area of Expertise Has an Understanding of Best Practices in Higher Education in His/Her Area of Expertise Uses Professional Judgment in Applying Best Practices Uses Professional Judgment in Applying Best Practices
Qualities….. Is Fair and Objective In Evaluation Is Fair and Objective In Evaluation Is Willing To Make Difficult Decisions Is Willing To Make Difficult Decisions Works with Other Committee Members in Reaching Consensus about Issues Works with Other Committee Members in Reaching Consensus about Issues Submits Expense Voucher Immediately after Visit with Appropriate Receipts Submits Expense Voucher Immediately after Visit with Appropriate Receipts
COMMONLY USED MATERIALS Principles of Accreditation Principles of Accreditation Handbook for Peer Evaluators Handbook for Peer Evaluators Training Modules Training Modules Review and Writing Assignments Review and Writing Assignments Tentative Agenda Tentative Agenda Materials from Institution(s) Materials from Institution(s) Materials from Commission Staff Materials from Commission Staff
The Review Process for Reaffirmation of Accreditation OVERVIEW Review of Compliance by Off-Site Review Committee Review of Compliance by Off-Site Review Committee Report of Off-Site Review Committee Shared with Institution Report of Off-Site Review Committee Shared with Institution
The Review Process….. Review by On-Site Committee of Quality Enhancement Plan and Compliance Issues (as identified by Off-Site Review Committee or which arise during On-Site visit) Review by On-Site Committee of Quality Enhancement Plan and Compliance Issues (as identified by Off-Site Review Committee or which arise during On-Site visit) Report Completed by On-Site Review Committee Sent to Institution and Commission as Basis on which Action Is Taken Report Completed by On-Site Review Committee Sent to Institution and Commission as Basis on which Action Is Taken
OFF-SITE REVIEW COMMITTEE 7-9 MEMBERS Chair Chair Finance Evaluator Finance Evaluator Institutional Effectiveness Evaluator Institutional Effectiveness Evaluator Organization and Administration Evaluator Organization and Administration Evaluator Student Support Evaluator Student Support Evaluator Learning Support Evaluator Learning Support Evaluator Educational Program Evaluators (Number Varies Depending on Complexity of Cluster Institutions) Educational Program Evaluators (Number Varies Depending on Complexity of Cluster Institutions)
OFF-SITE REVIEW COMMITTEE TASKS Phase I Phase I: Phase I: Each Committee Member Receives Materials and Reviews Compliance in Assigned Area(s) for Each of the Three or Four Institutions in the Cluster(approximately six to eight weeks before meeting in Atlanta) Each Committee Member Completes a Draft Report for His/Her Review Assignments for Each Institution in the Cluster and Sends It to the Chair
Phase II Phase II: Phase II: Committee Meets in Atlanta for Parts of Three Days to Review, Discuss and Determine Compliance for Each Institution in the Cluster Committee Completes a Report for Each Institution in the Cluster
WHAT ARE CLUSTERS? A Group of Three or Four Institutions Sharing Similar Characteristics A Group of Three or Four Institutions Sharing Similar Characteristics Assigned to an Off-Site Review Committee for Review (Called a Cluster Committee) Assigned to an Off-Site Review Committee for Review (Called a Cluster Committee)
THE OFF-SITE REVIEW Purpose Provide Assessment of Compliance Provide Assessment of Compliance Core Requirements 1-11 Core Requirements 1-11 Comprehensive Standards and Federal Requirements Comprehensive Standards and Federal Requirements Provide Advice To Staff as Appropriate Concerning Make-Up of On-Site Committee Provide Advice To Staff as Appropriate Concerning Make-Up of On-Site Committee
THE OFF-SITE REVIEW PROCESS Key Players Institution Institution Commission Staff Commission Staff Off-Site Review Committee Off-Site Review Committee
Role of Institution Conducts Compliance Review Conducts Compliance Review Completes Compliance Certification Completes Compliance Certification Submits Compliance Certification and Materials Demonstrating Compliance To Off-Site Review Committee Members (Hard Copy or Transmitted Electronically) Submits Compliance Certification and Materials Demonstrating Compliance To Off-Site Review Committee Members (Hard Copy or Transmitted Electronically)
MATERIALS SENT BY INSTITUTION HARD COPY Compliance Certification Summary Form (with identification of technical support person if some of materials have been sent electronically) Catalog Financial Audit and Management Letter and Financial Aid Audit
Materials Sent by Institution… HARD COPY OR ELECTRONICALLY TRANSMITTED Institutional Effectiveness Materials By-Laws, Minutes, Make-Up of Board Faculty Roster Denoting Qualifications Policy Manuals Other Materials Demonstrating Compliance
Role of Commission Staff Select and Invite Chair and Members of Off-Site Review Committee for Each Cluster Select and Invite Chair and Members of Off-Site Review Committee for Each Cluster Send Roster and Pertinent Information to Chair and Committee Members Send Roster and Pertinent Information to Chair and Committee Members Send Roster of Off-Site Review Committee to Institutions in Cluster Send Roster of Off-Site Review Committee to Institutions in Cluster
Role of Staff…….. Make Arrangements for Meeting in Atlanta Make Arrangements for Meeting in Atlanta Communicate with Chair and Committee Members and Institutions in the Cluster Communicate with Chair and Committee Members and Institutions in the Cluster Provide Support during Meeting in Atlanta Provide Support during Meeting in Atlanta
Materials Sent to Chair and Committee Members by Staff Roster of Off-Site Review Committee Roster of Off-Site Review Committee Handbook for Peer Evaluators Handbook for Peer Evaluators Principles of Accreditation Principles of Accreditation Blank Report of Report of the Reaffirmation Committee Blank Report of Report of the Reaffirmation Committee
Materials Sent by Staff….. Review Assignments for Each Committee Member Review Assignments for Each Committee Member Review Schedule for Institutions in Cluster Review Schedule for Institutions in Cluster Information Concerning Travel and Housing for the Meeting in Atlanta Information Concerning Travel and Housing for the Meeting in Atlanta Expense Vouchers Expense Vouchers
THE OFF-SITE REVIEW PRIOR TO THE MEETING IN ATLANTA (PHASE I) Review the Principles of Accreditation Review the Principles of Accreditation Review the Handbook for Review Committees Review the Handbook for Review Committees Review List of Institutions in the Cluster Review List of Institutions in the Cluster Contact Staff IMMEDIATELY if you discover a conflict of interest with any of the institutions in the Cluster Contact Staff IMMEDIATELY if you discover a conflict of interest with any of the institutions in the Cluster
Check the List of Materials Sent by the Institution and by Staff Check the List of Materials Sent by the Institution and by Staff Call the Staff Member if an Item Is Missing Call the Staff Member if an Item Is Missing Call the Technical Support Person at the Institution If You Cannot Access Materials Sent Electronically Call the Technical Support Person at the Institution If You Cannot Access Materials Sent Electronically Do Not Otherwise Contact the Institution Do Not Otherwise Contact the Institution Familiarize Yourself With the Institution Familiarize Yourself With the Institution
TASKS Scan the Compliance Certification Document Scan the Compliance Certification Document Review Your Assignment (For Institutional Effectiveness Evaluators, Primarily Core Requirements 4 and 5 and Section 3). Review Your Assignment (For Institutional Effectiveness Evaluators, Primarily Core Requirements 4 and 5 and Section 3). Review the Institutions Compliance in the Area(s) of Your Assignment Review the Institutions Compliance in the Area(s) of Your Assignment Communicate with Other Committee Members and the Chair as Appropriate Communicate with Other Committee Members and the Chair as Appropriate
Tasks Complete a Draft Report Reflecting Preliminary Assessment and Send It to the Chair, Other Committee Members, and Staff Complete a Draft Report Reflecting Preliminary Assessment and Send It to the Chair, Other Committee Members, and Staff Chair Will Compile Drafts Into One Draft Report and Will Send It To Committee Members and Staff Chair Will Compile Drafts Into One Draft Report and Will Send It To Committee Members and Staff
Assessing Compliance Institutional Effectiveness Familiarize yourself with mission of the institution Familiarize yourself with mission of the institution Familiarize yourself with size of institutions and programs offered Familiarize yourself with size of institutions and programs offered Review institutional effectiveness documents provided by institution Review institutional effectiveness documents provided by institution
Assessing Compliance…….. Read the narrative provided by the institution describing its process Read the narrative provided by the institution describing its process Determine who is responsible for the process at the institution Determine who is responsible for the process at the institution Determine whether there is a timeline provided by which process functions Determine whether there is a timeline provided by which process functions
Assessing compliance…… Is the process ongoing? Is the process ongoing? Is there evidence that it functions? What evidence might signal a functioning process? Is there evidence that it functions? What evidence might signal a functioning process? Is the process integrated? Is there evidence that all areas of the institution are engaged in planning and evaluation? Is the process integrated? Is there evidence that all areas of the institution are engaged in planning and evaluation?
Assessing compliance…… Is there evidence that the process is research-based? Is there evidence that the process is research-based? Does it appear that meaningful goals and objectives are set by various units? Does it appear that meaningful goals and objectives are set by various units? Are there various types of assessment means used? Are there various types of assessment means used? Is there evidence that results of assessment are used for improvement? Is there evidence that results of assessment are used for improvement?
Assessing compliance…… Are there representative samples from various units indicating that student learning outcomes have been identified and that they are assessed on a regular basis? Are there representative samples from various units indicating that student learning outcomes have been identified and that they are assessed on a regular basis? Is there evidence of improvement in the various units? Is there evidence of improvement in the various units?
COMMUNICATE WITH OTHER COMMITTEE MEMBERS Throughout the process of off-site evaluation, it is crucial that Committee members communicate with each other. Throughout the process of off-site evaluation, it is crucial that Committee members communicate with each other. Communication is especially important for the institutional effectiveness evaluator. Communication is especially important for the institutional effectiveness evaluator. The roster of Committee members will contain addresses for assistance in communication. The roster of Committee members will contain addresses for assistance in communication.
Communicate… Committee members should monitor e- mail frequently during the time of review and respond as quickly as possible. Committee members should monitor e- mail frequently during the time of review and respond as quickly as possible. Staff and Chair should be copied on all e- mail so that they can render assistance and be aware of concerns. Staff and Chair should be copied on all e- mail so that they can render assistance and be aware of concerns.
WRITE A DRAFT REPORT For each institution in the Cluster, mark Compliance, Non-Compliance, or Did Not Review for each of your assigned Core Requirement(s), Comprehensive Standard(s), and/or Federal Requirements. For each institution in the Cluster, mark Compliance, Non-Compliance, or Did Not Review for each of your assigned Core Requirement(s), Comprehensive Standard(s), and/or Federal Requirements. Write narrative explaining specifically why you made the determination of compliance or non-compliance Write narrative explaining specifically why you made the determination of compliance or non-compliance
Draft……… Make suggestions to staff as appropriate concerning the On-Site Review Committee Make suggestions to staff as appropriate concerning the On-Site Review Committee Send your draft electronically to the Chair and other Committee members and Staff Send your draft electronically to the Chair and other Committee members and Staff
COMPLETING THE OFF-SITE REVIEW IN ATLANTA (Phase II) Orientation Meeting of Committee Orientation Meeting of Committee The Committee, Led by the Chair and With Discussion by All Committee Members, Determines Compliance of Each Institution in the Cluster The Committee, Led by the Chair and With Discussion by All Committee Members, Determines Compliance of Each Institution in the Cluster The Committee Produces a Report for Each Institution in the Cluster The Committee Produces a Report for Each Institution in the Cluster
Completing the Review in Atlanta… The Committee Agrees on All Areas Marked Compliance or Non-Compliance and Agrees on Narrative Supporting Each (Both Compliance and Non-Compliance) The Committee Agrees on All Areas Marked Compliance or Non-Compliance and Agrees on Narrative Supporting Each (Both Compliance and Non-Compliance)
THE FINAL REPORT OF THE OFF- SITE COMMITTEE Compliance: The Committee has determined that the institution has presented acceptable narrative and documentation demonstrating compliance. Compliance: The Committee has determined that the institution has presented acceptable narrative and documentation demonstrating compliance. Non-Compliance:The Committee has determined, after review of the narrative and documentation presented by the institution, that the institution is not in compliance. Non-Compliance:The Committee has determined, after review of the narrative and documentation presented by the institution, that the institution is not in compliance.
Completion of Work The Committees Work Is Finished After the Report Is Completed The Committees Work Is Finished After the Report Is Completed The Committee Has No Contact with Institutions Following Off-Site Review The Committee Has No Contact with Institutions Following Off-Site Review
A Special Note CONFIDENTIALITY Maintain Confidentiality At All Times Maintain Confidentiality At All Times Discuss the Institutions in the Cluster ONLY with Other Committee Members, Chair of the Committee, and Commission Staff Discuss the Institutions in the Cluster ONLY with Other Committee Members, Chair of the Committee, and Commission Staff Do Not Contact the Institution (except tech support) Before, During, or After the Review Activities Do Not Contact the Institution (except tech support) Before, During, or After the Review Activities
CHALLENGES OF THE OFF-SITE REVIEW Difficulty in assessing compliance only on paper Difficulty in assessing compliance only on paper Sometimes problems in accessing materials (especially electronically) Sometimes problems in accessing materials (especially electronically) Amount of time needed to review three or four institutions Amount of time needed to review three or four institutions
THE ON-SITE REVIEW The Make-Up of the On-Site Committee The Make-Up of the On-Site Committee The Tasks of the On-Site Committee The Tasks of the On-Site Committee Preparing for the Visit Preparing for the Visit Conducting the Visit Conducting the Visit Reviewing Compliance Reviewing the QEP Writing the Report
Make-Up of the On-Site Committee Chair Chair CEO CEO Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Educational Programs and Faculty Educational Programs and Faculty Learning or Student Support Services Learning or Student Support Services Quality Enhancement Plan Evaluator Quality Enhancement Plan Evaluator Others as Necessary Others as Necessary
TASKS OF ON-SITE COMMITTEE Review of Quality Enhancement Plan (Core Requirement 12) Review of Quality Enhancement Plan (Core Requirement 12) Review Areas of Non-Compliance Cited by Off- Site Committee Review Areas of Non-Compliance Cited by Off- Site Committee Consider Any Other Areas of Non-Compliance which Come to its Attention Consider Any Other Areas of Non-Compliance which Come to its Attention Refine or Revise Narrative Provided by Off-Site Committee for Compliance Refine or Revise Narrative Provided by Off-Site Committee for Compliance Write a Report To Be Sent to Committees on Compliance and Reports Write a Report To Be Sent to Committees on Compliance and Reports Conduct an Exit Conference Conduct an Exit Conference
PREPARING FOR VISIT Make Arrangements (Communicate with Staff, Chair, Institution as Appropriate) Make Arrangements (Communicate with Staff, Chair, Institution as Appropriate) TravelArrive by first meeting time TravelArrive by first meeting time See Handbook concerning preparations See Handbook concerning preparations Review Materials Thoroughly Review Materials Thoroughly Off-Site Committee Report Institutions Focused Report Quality Enhancement Plan Review/Writing Assignments
Preparing for Visit…… Determine Interviews Desired and Communicate to Chair Determine Interviews Desired and Communicate to Chair Make Notes and Be Prepared To Discuss Compliance Issues and QEP Observations during a Conference Call (if the chair arranges one) and at the Orientation Meeting of the Committee Make Notes and Be Prepared To Discuss Compliance Issues and QEP Observations during a Conference Call (if the chair arranges one) and at the Orientation Meeting of the Committee
CONDUCTING THE VISIT Visit Takes Place Over Parts of Three Days Visit Takes Place Over Parts of Three Days Review Compliance Issues (Arrive at Consensus Regarding Recommendations) Review Compliance Issues (Arrive at Consensus Regarding Recommendations) Review Quality Enhancement Plan (Determine Acceptability Consistent With Core Requirement 12) Review Quality Enhancement Plan (Determine Acceptability Consistent With Core Requirement 12)
Conducting the Visit………. Complete Report (Indicate Compliance or Non- Compliance and Write Narrative as Appropriate) Complete Report (Indicate Compliance or Non- Compliance and Write Narrative as Appropriate) QEP recommendations are placed under Core Requirement 12. QEP recommendations are placed under Core Requirement 12. QEP supporting narrative is under Part III of the report QEP supporting narrative is under Part III of the report Conduct an Exit Conference Conduct an Exit Conference Discussion of Findings (Staff, Chair, On-Site Committee, Institutions Leadership Team)
COMPLIANCE ISSUES Consider Best Practices and Apply Professional Judgment in Determining Compliance Consider Best Practices and Apply Professional Judgment in Determining Compliance Draft Recommendations for Areas Where the Institution Appears To Be Out of Compliance Draft Recommendations for Areas Where the Institution Appears To Be Out of Compliance Draft Narrative Explaining Specifically Why There Is Non-Compliance Draft Narrative Explaining Specifically Why There Is Non-Compliance Reach Consensus with Entire Committee Concerning Compliance or Non-Compliance, the Wording of Recommendations, and the Narrative for All Requirements and Standards Reach Consensus with Entire Committee Concerning Compliance or Non-Compliance, the Wording of Recommendations, and the Narrative for All Requirements and Standards
Compliance Issues…. Compliance Issues Not Cited by the Off- Site Committee May Come To the Attention of the On-Site Committee Compliance Issues Not Cited by the Off- Site Committee May Come To the Attention of the On-Site Committee
EVALUATING THE ACCEPTABILITY OF THE QEP Part of the Planning and Evaluation Process? Part of the Planning and Evaluation Process? Focused (significant and manageable) Focused (significant and manageable) Institutional Capacity Institutional Capacity Institutional Assessment Provisions Institutional Assessment Provisions Broad-Based Broad-Based Linked to Student Learning Outcomes Linked to Student Learning Outcomes Provide Input to Two Quality Enhancement Evaluators Provide Input to Two Quality Enhancement Evaluators
SUMMARY TASKS OF ON-SITE EVALUATOR Prior to visit reviews Off-Site Report, Focused Report of Institution, and QEP Prior to visit reviews Off-Site Report, Focused Report of Institution, and QEP During visit reviews any compliance issues During visit reviews any compliance issues Reviews documents Interviews as necessary During visit assists in reviewing QEP Writes for assigned areas (recommendations and/or narrative)
A Special Note CONFIDENTIALITY Maintain Confidentiality At All Times Maintain Confidentiality At All Times Discuss the Institution ONLY with Other Committee Members, Chair of the Committee, and Commission Staff Discuss the Institution ONLY with Other Committee Members, Chair of the Committee, and Commission Staff Do Not Contact the Institution After the Review Activities Do Not Contact the Institution After the Review Activities
EVALUATOR ORIENTATION Using Professional Judgment and Applying Best Practices
Evaluating Institutions An Evaluator An Evaluator must consider what are best practices in any given area must consider what are best practices in any given area must carefully consider the institutions case that it complies with a requirement or standard must carefully consider the institutions case that it complies with a requirement or standard must apply professional judgment in determining compliance must apply professional judgment in determining compliance
EXERCISING PROFESSIONAL JUDGMENT IN DETERMINING COMPLIANCE Exercised by peers during evaluation Based on your study in higher education Based on your experiences Based on your expertise in dealing with particular issues in higher education
Professional Judgment……. Based on your understanding and application of Principles of Accreditation Based on your evaluation of the soundness of the institutions analysis relating to compliance Based on your evaluation of the cogency of the evidence presented by the institution
Evidence should be…. Reliable The evidence is consistent throughout the compliance certification. Current The information supports an assessment of the current status of the institution. Verifiable The evidence can be corroborated. Coherent The evidence is logical and consistent with other patterns of evidence presented.
Evidence….Objective The evidence is based on observable data and information. Relevant The evidence directly addresses the requirement or standard under consideration and should provide the basis for the institutions actions designed to achieve compliance.
Evaluating the Case for Compliance Reviewers ascertain accuracy and adequacy of summaries and interpretations of the data to which they refer and whether the narratives and the data combined support the institutions claim of compliance. As a reviewer on-site, you may wish to examine documents and identify a group of persons whom you wish to interview to gain additional insight.
Conducting the Review For Committees reviewing a cluster of institutions during an Off-Site Review, each institution should be reviewed separately, taking into consideration the mission of the institution. For Committees reviewing a cluster of institutions during an Off-Site Review, each institution should be reviewed separately, taking into consideration the mission of the institution. Avoid comparative compliance, i.e., determining compliance based on whether an institution is at least more in compliance than another one. Avoid comparing the institution to your institution. Avoid comparative compliance, i.e., determining compliance based on whether an institution is at least more in compliance than another one. Avoid comparing the institution to your institution.
Conducting the Review…. On-Site evaluators should likewise avoid comparative compliance. On-Site evaluators should likewise avoid comparative compliance. Remember that it is the responsibility of the institution to establish compliance. It is the Committees responsibility to determine whether the institution has established compliance or not. Remember that it is the responsibility of the institution to establish compliance. It is the Committees responsibility to determine whether the institution has established compliance or not.
Conducting the Review….. Look first at the case the institution makes for compliance. Look first at the case the institution makes for compliance. Then assess whether you think the institutions case and the documents which it provides in support of its case are sufficient. Then assess whether you think the institutions case and the documents which it provides in support of its case are sufficient.
Conducting the Review…. Review components of your assignment which can be quickly determined Review components of your assignment which can be quickly determined Then review components of your assignment which may require discussion with other Committee members and more in-depth analysis Then review components of your assignment which may require discussion with other Committee members and more in-depth analysis
PEER EVALUATION Integrity of Accreditation Depends on the Willingness of Peer Evaluators to Make Fair, Well-Thought-Out, Objective, and Sometimes Difficult Decisions Integrity of Accreditation Depends on the Willingness of Peer Evaluators to Make Fair, Well-Thought-Out, Objective, and Sometimes Difficult Decisions Decisions about Compliance Are Made To Assist Institutions in Improving the Quality of Their Operations and Services Decisions about Compliance Are Made To Assist Institutions in Improving the Quality of Their Operations and Services