Update on Activities I.2, III.1-3


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Presentation transcript:

Update on Activities I.2, III.1-3 WIM Excom 13-16 March 2018

I.2 Synthesizing the state of knowledge to better understand displacement related to slow onset events Purpose: Short synthesis; enhance understanding of the impacts, dynamics, scale, approaches and tools; formulate key opportunities on main knowledge gaps. Progress: Literature review, with University of Neuchâtel, Science Po and Hugo Observatory. Broad contribution from civil society (through Advisory Group networks, PDD Advisory Committee, CAN, UNFCCC constituencies, and reference group). Detailed outline consulted and approved. Zero draft under consultation and review.

Preliminary findings and opportunities I.2 Synthesizing the state of knowledge to better understand displacement related to slow onset events Preliminary findings and opportunities e.g.slow onset events can turn into rapid onset event (eg. when sea level rise turn into flood), erode capacity to withstand rapid onset events, prompting displacement, can be an aggravating factor, exacerbating existing vulnerabilities, increasing exposure to hazards and acting as a threat multiplier for other drivers of displacement (such as conflict). Opportunities: better document impacts of slow onset events on displacement risks, identify locations and populations at risk. Overview of how different slow-onset events increase risk of displacement Assessing the scale of displacement: Understanding the dynamics of displacement. Reviewing approaches, tools and solutions.

III.1 Providing an overview of data sources, common methodologies and good practice for displacement-related data collection and assessment, as relevant to different contexts and region

III.2 Providing a global baseline of climate-related disaster displacement risk, and package by region

III.3 Analyzing available data on disaster-related displacement and its impacts in different regions and group of countries in specific circumstances (e.g. LDCs) related to sudden and slow onset events.