NEC National Programmes


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Presentation transcript:

NEC National Programmes NECPI 19 to 20 June 2007 - Agenda item 7.2 Summary of a comitology meeting 22nd May 2007, Brussels André Zuber DG Enviroment

NEC National Programmes &file 12/11/2018 NEC National Programmes Key questions for the meeting on 22nd May What is the positive and negative experience in MS in developing and applying programmes? What has been the role of guidance provided by the NECD and the WGI guidance document? What measures have the MS put in place to meet the ceilings of NECD ? What quantitative estimates have been made of the measures and influence of other programmes (e.g. the AQ plans or energy programmes)? What important changes could improve the role of national programmes in a revised NEC D and what could be the role of the MS and the Commission respectively?

NEC National Programmes &file 12/11/2018 NEC National Programmes Morning Session Welcome, (DG ENV) Background to the workshop, (DG ENV) Presentation - Initial results from the project ‘Evaluation of National Plans under the National Emissions Ceiling Directive 2001/81/EC’, (AEA Energy & Environment) Discussion session - AEA interim findings Afternoon Session Presentation - Measures adopted in MS to address the national emission ceilings (Dr. C Cronenberg (DHV)) Presentations - Member State experiences of reporting under the NEC Directive (MS to be confirmed) Discussion session - Possible issues for consideration in revised Directive Summary and conclusions of workshop

Evaluation NEC national Programmes &file 12/11/2018 Evaluation NEC national Programmes Task of Evaluation by Consultant (AEA T) To determine progress towards the NECD’s environmental objectives To analyse completeness and quality of reporting by Member States under the NECD To propose (if necessary) any revisions to the NECD concerning the reporting obligations for national programmes To support the Commission in the preparation of a review report on implementation and effectiveness of the NECD to the European Parliament and Council

Example of results: NOx Projections WM WAM DTI

Example of results– reporting against requirements Considerable effort: most MS have now submitted (9 on time) Excellent reporting on historic emission All MS covered all 4 pollutants in projections All but 1 MS provided updated projections for 2006 Good effort to provide basic information on adopted PAMs Difficulty appreciated NECD not explicit

Example of in-depth analysis In-depth analysis of selected programmes focussed on: Content of programme: Information provided on policies and measures, and projections Quality of reporting on PAMs / projections (relative to CAFE WGI guidance) Consistency of programmes with other EU reporting requirements and guidance Procedures for adoption of national programmes

Draft recommendations from the AEA T analysis Development and implementation of National Programmes Improve clarity of requirements in Directive Improvement to guidance Dissemination of best practise Reporting of key information Reporting of National Programme Increased guidance on reporting in the Directive Frequency of reporting Clearer guidance on the reporting process Greater harmonisation with reporting under other legislation Co-operation of MS and Commission WG Implementation? Seminars on critical issues of programmes and reporting?

Summary conclusion of the 22nd May &file 12/11/2018 Summary conclusion of the 22nd May Summary and Conclusions and Recommendations Improving the development and implementation of programmes Better guidance and clear provisions (including uncertainty assessment) Alignment with other programmes CC/GHG, AQ Reporting key information to the Commission, 2 cycles in the span between 2010 and 2020 for new NEC programmes 2 year cycle for projections Harmonisation with other reporting Scope for dissemination of best practices and joint COM MS work on critical and key issues Possibility for MS to comment on the draft report till end of June (send to AEA T (Stephen Pye) and cc André Zuber)