Survey Imbalance and balance responsibility Project team Imbalance Settlement Harmonisation EBSG 7 December 2017
Background - Survey Commission Regulation 2017/2195 (EBGL) requires [Art 52 (2)] an all-TSO proposal to further specify and harmonise specific topics related to imbalance settlement, but invites to further specify & harmonise other topics related to imbalance settlement. ENTSO-E project team Imbalance Settlement Harmonisation has developed a one-time survey on topics related to imbalance settlement not covered by yearly ENTSO-E survey or ACER market monitoring report. survey/Pages/default.aspx ation/ACER%20Market%20Monitoring%20Report%202016%20- %20ELECTRICITY.pdf This survey has been sent in August 2017 to all TSOs in ENTSO-E Market Committee, and most TSO’s of Energy Community:
Survey and answers received Questions were of limited multiple choice and allowed for providing context or alternative answers. A summary overview of answers has been presented at the Electricity Balancing Stakeholder Group (EBSG) meeting on 7 December 2017 in Brussels. 7-12-07/171207_BSG_Imbalance_Settlement_Survey_results.pdf
Public results. Disclaimer Survey was sent for internal ENTSO-E use only. However, stakeholders have requested to make the survey results public. The collated answers lack most of the additional information sent in. Answers received, and collated in the results, can only be regarded as approximate and as not-binding for any respondent, or any TSO or 3rd party mentioned. No rights can be derived from the information provided in this overview of survey outcomes. Overview of survey outcomes: