Spectrophotometry For high school Chemistry, AP Chemistry, AP Biology and Astronomy By: Babette Shoemaker, MT Math and Science Academy at Ocean Lakes High School Virginia Beach, VA Website: zadosci.com
Spectroscopy: The branch of science concerned with the investigation and measurement of spectra produced when matter interacts with or emits electromagnetic radiation. Spectrophotometry: The quantitative measurement of the reflection or transmission properties of a material as a function of wavelength.
AP Chemistry Objectives: Essential Knowledge: 1. B AP Chemistry Objectives: Essential Knowledge: 1.B.1 Learning Objective: 1.7, 1.15 Science Practice: SP 1.3, SP 1.5, SP 3.3 Great Instructions: Analog Spec20 Instructions
The basic set-up for a spectrophotometer:
Absorbance: the measurement of the attenuation of photons as light passes through a sample. Transmittance: the measurement of the amount of photons that pass through a sample.
Analog Spec20
Vernier Spectro-Vis:
PASCO Spectrophotometer:
Color and Wavelength Why do you think the main peak for blue Gatorade is in the orange/red zone? 2. Why is there no/little absorbance in the blue zone? 3. What do you think caused the violet peak for the green Gatorade? How do you know?
Beer’s Law: A = l C Where: A = absorbance (no units) = Molar Aborptivity (unit is M-1cm-1) l = cell length (unit is cm) C = concentration (unit is M) Molar Absorptivity = also known as the molar extinction coefficient = A measure of how strongly a chemical species absorbs light at a particular wavelength.
Calibration Curve: or standard curve, a curve that has been established by the testing of known concentration standards that can be used to determine the concentration of a substance in an unknown. . Calibration Curve for Substance X Concentration
Beer’s Law Lab The students will: - practice serial dilution - calibrate the spectrophotometer - determine the optimal wavelength or max - collect and record absorbance for dilutions - construct a calibration curve - determine the concentration of an unknown liquid using their calibration curve
Changes to the lab for today: We will be: using red food coloring in water as our solution. performing a serial dilution, 1:2, 1:4, 1:8 and1:16. determining the optimal wavelength from the Spectrovis. Creating the calibration curve using the free app from Vernier – Graphical Analysis
Serial Dilution: add add add add add 1:1 1:2 1:4 1:8 1:16 Original 1:1
Resources: http://Vernier.com they have great lab manuals for all levels and courses https://www.pasco.com/products/lab-manuals/index.cfm https://www.scribd.com/document/323926060/New-Expt-8-Spectroscopy- Lab-Chlorophyll-With-SpectroVis http://www.westminster.edu/about/community/sim/documents/schloroph yllandvisiblelight.pdf http://www.ccri.edu/chemistry/courses/chem_1100/wirkkala/labs/Spectros copy_Beer's_Law.pdf https://msu.edu/course/lbs/172l/Lab6-S06-bleach_kinetics.pdf
Citations: http://academics.wellesley.edu/Biology/Concepts/Html/spec20instructions .html http://apchemresources2014.weebly.com/uploads/9/7/6/4/9764824/spectr oscopy.pdf http://www.labpedia.net/test/286 http://media.collegeboard.com/digitalServices/pdf/ap/ap-chemistry- course-and-exam-description.pdf http://Vernier.com