ECE 477 Digital Systems Senior Design Project Fall 2008 Team 3 - ECE Grand PCB Design Project Information The ECE Grand is an electronic poker table that allows four people to play Texas Hold ‘Em poker. The project uses an RFID reader for player authentication and Ethernet to set up a server where account information is stored about players. Individual player stations display player cards (shown below). Master PCB Slave PCB Block Diagram LCD Close-Up Project Success Criteria An ability to authenticate users using an RFID tag. An ability to transmit/export the current game state via a UDP connection. An ability to display each player's information on individual LCD screen and community information on a central LCD screen. An ability to run a multi-player No-Limit Texas Hold ‘Em poker game. An ability to interface with a distributed network of microcontrollers to control graphic LCDs and receive user input. Final Product AutoCad - Table Digijock(ette)-Strength Digital System DesignTM