Volunteer Lay Leader Model Guidance to the Grantees A Master of Balance: Volunteer Lay Leader Model Guidance to the Grantees Peggy Haynes A Matter of Balance MaineHealth’s Partnership for Healthy Aging
A Matter of Balance (MOB) Lay Leader Model Master Trainer Sites by State AK WA VT ME MT ND MN NH OR NY MA SD WI ID WY MI RI PA CT IA NJ NE NV OH DE Hawaii IL IN UT MD CO WV VA CA KS MO KY NC TN OK SC AZ NM AR MS AL GA Northern Marianas TX LA FL Guam MOB Lay Leader Model Master Trainer Sites by State 500 Master Trainer Sites in 41 States and the District of Columbia
Dissemination of A Matter of Balance Volunteer Lay Leader Model 2016 41 States, 900 Master Trainers >75,000 participants served MOB Classes offered: 1X a week for 8 weeks or 2X a week for 4 weeks
Master Trainer(MT) Responsibilities MTs - trained to oversee the program Agency has signed a “license to use” Coach training and fidelity monitoring are MT’s responsibility Support of community classes Surveys/Outcome Monitoring MT participate in annual update Quarterly conference calls/emails MT train coaches 8 hours of training minimum(can be done by a single MT) 2-four hour days recommended Coach training sessions vary in number (8-12 nice size) Coaches always teach in pairs MT set up community classes- Responsibilities may vary from MT to MT Find locations, materials, register Knowledge of all community classes offered by your coaches MT arrange a Guest Healthcare Professional visit
Additional Master Trainer Duties Coaches-They are MTs responsibility: Coaches are recruited by MTs and their site Only train as many coaches a MT can oversee- Coaches are not freelance agents, Coaches need MT supervision/support MT pair new coach with an experienced coach whenever possible MT observation visit for all new coaches This is a great opportunity to provide feedback and support new coaches Coach Annual Update 2.5 hours to all coaches, prepared by Master Trainer Develops coaches, reviews fidelity and answers curriculum questions
Coach Recruitment Finding the right coach and the right fit: Look at your local volunteer orgs: RSVP, hospitals, AARP, faith based organizations, universities, senior housing, community groups, retired educators and professionals Interview them, show them the materials and coach job description, share time commitment Have potential new coach observe a class if possible Let coaches know how you will support them Finding substitutes if needed, supplies, mentoring An MOU can help to address roles and expectations
Coach Observation Visit Observe newly trained coaches at least once or until you are sure they are following the curriculum and facilitating well Takes place during one of the first 4 sessions Focus of visit: Class dynamics Following the curriculum Leading the exercises/safety Teamwork Talk with your new Coach after class Mentor them ongoing
Guest Healthcare Professional(GHP) Find a PT / OT / Nurse to fill this role Partner with local hospitals, long term care and rehab units Home Health Agencies Private Practices Master Trainers orient the GHP to handbook and discuss their visit to the class (45-60 Minute visit) GHP Visit: Provides a link back to the healthcare community Answers questions from participants supports the coaches provides demonstration of how to respond to a fall & get up from the floor Session 4 or 7 are a great fit with the curriculum
Responsibilities during Exercises No Music: hearing the instructions is important Exercises should be demonstrated reading the instructions in the coach handbook Coaching tips are there as a guide to exercises Participants need to listen to their bodies and perform exercises in their comfort zone Encourage more frail participants to sit if needed If participant is in a wheelchair/walker encourage them to do some activity seated with their arms or using their legs if able during standing exercises One coach can lead the exercises while the other checks in with participants Providing encouragement and feedback and have fun!
Maintaining Fidelity Master Trainers provide an 8 hour training for coaches Master Trainers observe trained coaches Should take place during first four sessions Arrange observation visit with coach Two coaches lead the sessions Follow curriculum-Choose options that work with class Lead exercises- Do the exercises as described in the curriculum /Provide a safe environment Do not change the exercises- adjust for the more frail- encourage participants to sit and do less repetitions Guest HealthCare Professional Visit Any session (4 or 7 is the best fit) MOB Class = Eight 2-hour sessions Class size = 8-12 participants Are you still a Duck? Make sure your coaches / Classes are still quacking!
Translations :A Matter of Balance/VLL Spanish- Coach/Participant workbook DVDs with Voiceover from Terra Nova Films Chinese- Coach and Participant workbook DVDs Cantonese/ Mandarin Voiceover from Terra Nova Films Low Vision- Coach instruction materials; Participant workbook in 12 & 20 font; Audio Exercise CD; Audio Participant workbook Portuguese- Participant Workbook with DVDs scripts Vietnamese- Participant Workbook with DVDs scripts Russian- Participant Workbook with DVDs scripts
Contact Information Peggy Haynes Senior Director MaineHealth Elder Care Services Patti League RN Program Manager A Matter of Balance leagup@mainehealth.org Partnership for Healthy Aging 207-661-7120 pfha@mainehealth.org www.mainehealth.org/pfha