Tolerance & Succession What lives where & why
Community: All orgainsims that live in an area Ecosystem: community + Abiotic Habitat: where an organism lives Niche: role an organism plays in community interactions & effect on abiotic envir.
Limiting Factors factors that restrict the numbers or distribution of organisms Plant limiting factors: P & N water sunlight temperature Soil (type, amount, pH, salinity) Herbivores
Animal Limiting Factors Food (determined by plants) Temperature Water Shelter/nest sites Other animals, predators/parasites
Biome Type Determined by: Temperature & Water & Soil type Temp, H2O & Soil determine plants types Type of plants sets up food chain & shelter so….. determines types of animals
Temp & Water based on… 1) Latitude: 2) Altitude: Farther from equator = colder Weather patterns based on latitude determine precipitation 2) Altitude: Higher up = colder Windward side = lots of rain Leeward side = rain shadow
Rain shadow Windward side
Biomes of Rocky Mountains
Wetlands Reduce flooding Filter sediment out of water Filter toxins out of water Provide nurseries for fish & shellfish Provide homes for many species High species diversity
More Terms: Biodiversity: # different species of organism more diversity = more stable system Dominant Species: Species with the most biomass Greatly affect other species Keystone Species: removal has major effects
Keystone Species?
Invasive Species Non-native species invade an ecosystem Also called exotic species May have no predators in new ecosystem Represent a dead-end in the food chain Out-compete native organisms decreasing species diversity
Michigan Invasive Species Spotted knapweed Sea lamprey Phragmities Spiny water flea Honeysuckle Zebra mussel Purple Loosestrife Emerald Ash borer Buckthorn Russian Olive
Where it came from How it got here What problems it causes in ecosystem How we can control it
Biological Control Use one organism to control the population of another organism. Protists: microsporidia to control insects Fungi: Bacteria: Insects:
Pioneer & Climax Communities Pioneer = first organisms to move in New area Disturbed area (after fire, plowing) Climax = last community to move in community stays same for long time very little change highest species diversity