Introducing…. My Paper subject A short slide show about my research paper
The background for my topic This is where you put your initial findings on the background of your topic. This isn’t a full literature review, instead your focus is on the specific information that applies to the history of your topic. Just cover the major points that are needed so that your readers will have enough background information to help them understand your findings. For some topics pictures are helpful Don’t forget to appropriately source everything
Bright Ideas and high flying theory This slide presents the sociological basis for your research Explain how the topic you are writing about is affecting sociology and what aspect of the social effects you are examining
Look at what I found… overview Present your major findings on this slide. Go into just enough detail so that the next slide will make sense Again a picture can be worth a 1000 words. A YouTube video can work too If you know how you can even include music or a voiceover on the slideshow
Fine detail Finding 1 Finding 2 You did a lot of reading and you have a lot to say but this is one of two important facts that you need to convey to your reader. Be sure your points help the reader see the social effects of your topic Even though there is more to say than you can get into the overview and two major points, this is a short assignment Be sure to pick the most important points!!!!
Restrain yourself! And Explain yourself Of course you have more to say! On a slide show that is meant to be read it is ok to have some dense and relatively small text. You can take a slide or two such as this to get at the explanations that are neeeded… just keep it as simple as possible
Earnings by sex and location Men Women Urban Rural Words? Or Pictures? Earnings by sex and location Men Women Urban Rural Median income $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$ You need a table and/or chart (required). PowerPoint makes this with amazing ease, on some slides you might have to add a text box to get a table title. A written explanation of the data is always desirable as well
A small works cited entry This is the last slide It will contain you summary or your plans for further work on this topic. Checklist… Did you keep it sociological? Do the pictures work to make points, they should not just be there for design but should help the viewer understand Is the presentation inviting. More importantly is the information complete and correct Did you put in your sources? Does your choice of slide design background help the viewer move through the presentation easily A small works cited entry Some of the slide layouts are especially useful when you only have one or two sources to put on your workscited and bibliography page.