Young People and Students in Compulsory and Full Time Education


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Presentation transcript:

Young People and Students in Compulsory and Full Time Education Services to: Young People and Students in Compulsory and Full Time Education Key Partners – Schools and Employers I’m going to talk about our services to young people and students in full time education and our services for key partners such as schools and employers

Our objective Is to ensure that careers education and guidance links effectively with support for the delivery of work related education so that all young people have access to a coherent programme of support that enables them to make realistic decisions on learning and career options Our aim is to ensure that careers education and guidance links with support for the delivery of work related education so that all young people have access to a coherent programme of support that enables them to make realistic decisions on learning and career options

Changing Environment 14-19 learning pathways measure Options menu Teachers’ workload agreement Rarely cover Changing roles

28 mainstream secondary schools 5 independent schools Facts and Figures 28 mainstream secondary schools 5 independent schools 8 special schools 1 sixth form college 2 further education colleges We work with schools and colleges in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan. A small geographical area but quite densely populated.

Partnership agreement Careers advisers, education business advisers and specialist advisers who work with pupils with learning difficulties and disabilities manage their work through the partnership agreement We plan our work with the schools and colleges and each year we negotiate a partnership agreement. This is a document which sets out the responsibilities on the company and the school to work together to deliver the Careers and the World of Work Programme. Our professionally qualified careers advisers offer impartial information, advice and guidance to pupils on subject choices, career ideas, education, progression routes and work related matters. In doing so they take account of local and national labour market information. This work may start in Y7 (age 11) but most activities take place in Year 9 and Year 11 at key transition points. The activities normally take the form of group session where advisers support pupils in developing career planning skills. This will include using our website careerswales .com to research career ideas or challenging gender stereotyping. Most pupils in Year 11 have an individual guidance interviews, which normally result in an action plan, a Moving Forward Plan, which sets out the next steps for the pupil.

Some group sessions may take place on the Careers Wales bus Advisers may use group sessions to encourage pupils to think about their personal qualities, likes and dislikes, their skills and interests and to understand the decision making process. Some of these group sessions may take place on the Careers Wales bus. This is a good way of promoting Careers Wales in the local community. Careers advisers also attend parents evenings which are arranged by individual school. It’s important for us to communicate with parents as research consistently shows that parents are very influential when it comes to young people making career choices.

Work experience We use work focused experiences to help pupils understand better what skills and personal qualities employers want. During Key stage 4 (pre 16) pupils normally undertake a one or two week work experience placement on employers premises. This gives them the opportunity to practise existing skills and to learn new ones. Careers Wales brokers the links with employers and offers an online database of work experience opportunities to all schools in the area. There are currently 3000 employers offering several thousands of placement on the work experience database.

Enterprise activity Pupils may participate in an enterprise activity where they work in teams to solve a problem. The activity helps them to develop communication and other employability skills. To help develop employability skills pupils engage in experiential learning using business and enterprise as the context.

Dynamo Role Models Pupils receive presentations from entrepreneurs who runs successful businesses in Wales. The role model helps pupils to think about the skills and attitudes that are needed to successfully run a business. The Wales wide programme, which has been running for six years is funded by the Welsh Assembly Government.

Hands-on employer supported activity We work with partners and employers to organise a range of extra curricular activities that provide opportunities for pupils to sample different sectors such as aerospace, health, science and technology. These experiences help pupils to make better, informed career decisions.

Mentoring and mock interviews We recruit and train volunteers to act as mentors to pupils who may need support with attendance, punctuality or completing course work. The employers also benefit from giving up their time to become mentors by providing them with a vehicle for their own development. All employers who undertake our training become Business Ambassadors. Employers also volunteer to help students develop their interview technique by providing mock interviews.

Support for primary schools We work with around 90 primary schools providing support for enterprise (mini enterprise) and various science and technology projects which help pupils understand the range of jobs carried out by people in their community. (Buildings in the Bay, Timezones, Rocket Technology Project, K’nex Challenge, Techniquest Kits, Proud to Present) Curriculum development in primary schools encourages pupils to be creative, to work in groups and learn new skills

Careers and the World of Work Framework Careers Wales provides specialist support to key partners that are contributing to lifelong learning eg by providing training and consultancy to teachers in implementing the Careers and the World of Work framework All of the activities I’ve described support the schools in implementing the Careers and the World of Work Framework. This is a statutory framework which provides guidance for schools on giving pupils aged 11-19 the opportunities to develop their awareness of careers and the world of work and how their studies contribute to their readiness for working life. For 14-19 learners, this is part of their learning core entitlement and is a requirement at KS4 (14-16). The framework is divided into three elements – attitudes and values – important how young people approach work; skills- such as communication, problem solving, adapting to new situations; and range – personal achievement, seeking information, understanding the world of work, guidance and decision making

Professional development placements for teachers Support for schools and individual teachers extends to in service training courses on career related matters. For example we have introduced a quality mark which encourages schools to improve the quality of their careers programme and each year we organise about 450 teacher placements in business and industry. These provide teachers with an opportunity to update or increase their knowledge of a particular sector. They use this knowledge to inform their own classroom teaching. This is particularly important for teachers of vocational courses but also primary school teachers can develop cross curricular projects using the business as a context for learning.

13,406 individual interviews 1884 group sessions Facts and Figures 13,406 individual interviews 1884 group sessions 36,000 pupils participate in education business activities 6,500 work experience placements 3000 employers on our database

Our Mission Developing People Through Lifelong Career Planning